HELP! Need a name for Drac Pally

Dragin (spelled like that for dragon and paladin combined)

Then play human?

Plus makes sense worgen are forced into worgen form since it’s a curse

I just doubt it. The connection between dragons and the light is extremely loose at best, non existent at worst. Coupled with the fact that no dragon has ever been shown to wield the light in wows lore that I can recall.

And that’s what people will say but the moment they give visage form combat to dracthyr than worgan players will want the same thing even if it makes more sense to play human.

I wasn’t saying anything on what should happen, but only what will happen.

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We know they plan to give everyone every class except maybe dh so eventually everyone is going to get paladin.

Yes but again, the Tyrs guard essentially is paving the way for all races to be paladins. Blizz just needs time for all the new charger mounts.

And when in doubt, remember that LFD can be locks

Two; Tail Sweep and Wing Buffet. Also, Dracthyr don’t have anything like Will to Survive for Humans or Will of the Forsaken for Undead, so two niche crowd control options (both short range, one an area and the other a cone with neither being a hard crowd control effect) is not going to be a whole lot.

I’m thinking of a dracolich like Sindragosa.

Only Evoker since some of their spells require the Dracthyr animations and also anyone who uses Tail Sweep, Wing Buffet, and Soar since those three also use Dracthyr animations. I don’t think any current class ability will force anyone into the Dracthyr form since they don’t do anything similar as is with the other races.

Same. Genn fought in Human form in Legion, so why can’t the players?

If it helps you will almost certainly be spending most of your time in Visage form and if you go lizard your transmog will disappear. I doubt they’ll change that.

I think they meant some classes won’t be able to use the dragon form.

They’ll be forced into the human/elf model because dracthyr probably don’t have the animations for all other classes

How about Tyrdrac?

The light sees all, and so does Facebook, which is incidentally headed by a lizard man.
Name it Zuckerberg.

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Cuz he’s thpecial and an NPC, plus he always ends up going worgen form. Prob just able to control it longer than normie puppies because he has NPC privilege

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Hot take: 99% of players don’t care about names (1% exception being roleplayers) and don’t think you’re clever for coming up with some unoriginal gimmick name. You will in most cases be called by role or class instead. Just hit random name generator until something that looks decent pops up (maybe add or remove or switch a letter here or there) and go.


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Out of all the races that still need the Paladin class unlocked, other than Void Elf, Dracthyr is the least likely.

Those lizards better not get paladins before night elves.

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I think this is true for the most part. I could see someone being in a guild then they may call you by your character name in discord in raids or dungeons.

The righteous, powerful, fiend of villains… JUSTIGUANA :dracthyr_no2:


LFD locks, that is all.

And Like, Tyr, hello???

I don’t know why not, Evokers have both one-handed and two-handed weapon swings and even ranged attack animations. Maybe some class-specific animations are not there yet, but those might be being worked on now and why Dracthyr getting more class options is for “early The War Within” instead of pre-patch nor launch.

We’ve gotten things special and from non-player characters before; Fel, Blizzard considered adding plate armor as a Hero Talent for Priests because of Anduin. I’ve seen that many new additions for players comes from non-player characters. If players are going to be forced into Worgen form for combat solely because of “muh curse” then Worgen need to be able to hide weapons in that form and be able to transmogrify Worgen and Human forms separately (that last one should also apply to Dracthyr and any new races with multiple forms).