Help Me Understand Warriors

Can Blizzard please confirm that Warriors are only getting these runes next phase?

Because I’m out right now if this is the case. I’m done with the passive crap, done getting shafted every phase. Warriors are the ONLY CLASS that plays exactly like they have in Vanilla for the past 20 years. There is nothing different, nothing new, nothing refreshing about playing a Warrior.


Confirmed and the reason I stopped playing SoD 3 weeks ago.


You know where the door is, but can you open it? Are you strong enough?

Nah. Too weak.



Probably keeps pushing on the pull door.


Warriors were already a very complete class in Vanilla. IDK why anyone would expect more then what they got.


So you are mad warriors will be the top DPS the entire season?

Weird but OK.


No. I’m not even a DPS Warrior.

Are you seriously going to look at every class, compare them to Warrior runes and say “Ya, Warriors got just as much as all the other classes.”??

They got nothing new. Nothing that changes them from vanilla WoW Warriors. They play exactly the same as they always did.

Every class but Warrior has evolved to a BC, Wrath and Cataclysm hybrid of themselves while some went further beyond that. So…if Warrior’s got things like Bladestorm, Heroic Leap, etc. in these versions of the game…why aren’t we getting them now?

It was balanced back in BC, Wrath & Cata but it wouldn’t be now when everyone has their abilities from those releases of the game?

I am not going further than this phase is Warriors are loaded with more passive “you do more damage” runes.

Can I have your stuff?


Godspeed young warrior.

You will be missed.


You should roll Shaman and actually know what it feels like to get shafted.

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Maybe I am bad at explaining exactly what I mean. But…Shamans got Lava Burst, Dual Wield, actual tanking, etc. They play differently. Warriors are exactly how they’ve always been.

Am I really the only one who feels this way?

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yeah you are right. Warriors are terrrrrrible in PVP and it’s not fun to die before u can charge, In PVE, warriors are still fun though. I think they genuinely need to scrap this rune idea or something lol

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In fairness Shaman I feel got some pretty fun runes…they’re just awful to acquire

Really depends on the perspective I guess

lets be real, this season has only gotten worse. I don’t expect it to be alive at level 60 (the actual end game, lol)

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PvE warriors are great, PvP they’re so BAD.

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there is not any proof of this their are a few classes out performing warriors atm

Maybe it’s me…I need to learn to like new classes.

I need to stop being a “Warrior only” player. I guess I can have my Warrior and main something else…

it’s not just you man. everyone i know doesn’t like the game, warriors are all sick of being trash

I’d be more than happy to give up top dps for fun and interesting runes. But apparently because we’re the kings of dps we’re not allowed to be upset that the class plays nearly identically to how it does in Vanilla while everyone else gets fun toys that change up how they play and in some cases provide entirely new roles…
