Help Me Understand Warriors

The problem your going to have with warrior is they were probably the only truly strong class that had few if any real weaknesses in vanilla/classic and even those few weaknesses they have already seen improvements. They were/are by far the strongest hybrid class being both the top DPS and top Tank by a huge margin.

The only way Blizzard could really make big changes to warriors is if they really nerfed them at the start of SOD. For example, would you be willing to give up the amazing scaling warriors currently have say, changing to 1 AP per STR, 50 Agi per Melee Crit%, and changing how rage works, so its more static for example improving it for low level warriors, but heavily reducing it at high ends. I am guessing few warriors would want this just so they could click a different ability other than Mortal Strike.

For other classes its easier making changes without completely breaking the game, take Enh Shaman, they didn’t eve have the buttons to do a complete rotation in Classic and had about 1/4-1/3 the DPS of a Fury warrior, making it easy to boost them, both by adding new abilities, as well as improving the ones they had, as they could literally triple their DPS and they would still likely do less damage then end game warriors.

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yea but other classes are just godly right now druids mages warlocks just dominate anything in pvp not to mention rogues.

Well warriors will need to get to 40, not having mortal strike is pretty limiting for PvP, but they did get some good runes for PvP, such as warbringer. Warriors also don’t really even start to shine until End Game, and even in P1 they were already well ahead of other DPS, even while missing almost all of their tools.

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What do you expect? Do you want warriors to get runes that let them play like rogues? Do you want warriors to be able to heal groups? Like what exactly do you want out of them?

Victory Rush was a HUGE game changer and solved one of Warriors biggest issues in Vanilla. Not to mention they got in phase one like 4 more active abilities to hit. Phase 2 they can start dual-wielding really early now and actually be viable.

Warriors are just getting more Warrior things, and that’s all us Warrior mains ever wanted. More Warrior things.

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Not to mention getting kited to oblivion or being killed before even getting close to something isn’t an inherent warrior issue, every melee class is basically having that problem this season. I’ve been maining a Pally in SoD and with people strafe kiting making Seal of Justice worthless since you’re not hitting them in the back, the only time I can really close a gap on someone is when my HoJ is up. And with how strong ranged is, it basically means I die every time. At least Warriors get a few gap closers.

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And the most ironic thing about this - so ironic it’s actually funny, imo - is that only Seal of Justicecan proc the stun, and that has to be in melee range. Judgment of Justice does absolutely nothing to another player, and we now have 40yd Judgments with the waist rune.

Well, when a mommy warrior and a daddy warrior love each other very much they give each other a very special hug and nine months later the warrior fairy leaves one of the most entitled creatures they’ve ever seen under their pillow.


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Whoa, hold the phone, folks! Gather round, because we need to talk about something revolutionary happening in the world of Warriors. Brace yourselves, because they’ve just unleashed an absolute game-changer: a mind-blowing Rune that’s sending shockwaves through the entire gaming community! I’m talking about none other than the reduced 3 rage Rune for offensive abilities. Can you even believe it?

This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill upgrade; this is a seismic shift in the way Warriors approach battles. Picture this: your warrior, charging into the fray, unleashing devastating attacks left and right with unparalleled ferocity. And now, thanks to this game-changing Rune, they can do it all with reduced rage consumption. It’s like the gods of combat descended from on high and bestowed this incredible power upon us mere mortals.

Victory rush was not a huge game changer its a aweful bastardized version of victory rush. Almost no warriors use it even when leveling.

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you aren’t a real warrior
maybe go and do something safe, like read a book

Youre totaly right Warrior are trash in pvp . Also our charge skill not always working . SOD HYPE PLAY META OR YOU WILL SUCK.

When you come to the realization that SoD is nothing more than classic with retail abilities you’ll be happier.

What were you hoping for? Healing warriors? Like we have everything we need already.

Rogues are the same. There’s nothing new about them.

Yes so add DKS to horde.