Help me understand their intention

I haven’t done anything that breaks forum rules?

arguing and name calling does yes

  • Be kind to your fellow community members.
  • Does your reply improve the conversation?
  • Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas, not people.
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I am being kind? I’m not calling people out of name or cursing.

You get to play your little mmo experience with your little friends BECAUSE of lore. Plain and simple.

Little MMO?

Is this imaginary Riot one large?

lol did that offend you?

What MMO is bigger?

All mmo experiences are little compared to lore. I don’t think you’re on the same planet as the rest of humanity.

OMG just kiss in goldshire and get it over with…GEEEEEEEZ

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You said little MMO implying that there are big MMOs, no?

No lol please go back to English class

So why is this MMO going to die? You still think that lore is going to make people stop playing a game?

1000% yes. Thank you for finally understanding.

You don’t think in the past two decades there hasn’t been a good story?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Never said that lmfao

So why is a new story all of a sudden going to kill this?

I’m amazed at how bad you are at inferring. Have a good day with the automatic thinking NPC.

Why is the Arcane story going to end WoW? Why would people quit a video game they can play for hundreds of hours for some lore they can consume in a fraction of the time? What do they do after they’re done with the lore? Do they cope like you for games that aren’t yet released?

None of this makes a good game. You can be a master of story telling and have absolutely horrible game play. You have to marry both good game systems, good game play, and storytelling if you want to stand out in today’s market.

Otherwise people are going to continue to play the games they are already familiar with.

Lore and bad story telling will kill games before the game does, as we are already seeing with wow. Soon the game and gameplay will follow. Smoke all the copium yall want. But a company like Riot deciding to make a show around characters in their lore shows how much more seriously they take their IP and characters and lore…. Than blizzard ever will AGAIN. Arcane was a nail in the coffin for blizzard. It’s clear as day.