Help me understand their intention

Why do we accept lies in these YouTube videos on the official channel? I mean… the people that make up the team mostly come from Disney and Amazon games. How can you start off the video with words like “‘we got so much new content” then follow it up with a list of existing content?

What are you doing manipulating your player base? And you bait and switch people in by making us think SOD will be new things, but you just rework/remaster classes? Copy/paste patterns and things and act like you’re making new gear? This whole entire presentation of SOD feels like “my assignment is due today, was announced last week without me knowing but oh well I gotta do something I guess”

Like do you as a gamer truly accept this from the studios you follow? If so then I don’t see myself playing wow past 2025. And if that’s the case then I’m happy to move on because… what is this? There is nothing new.

The only people supporting any of this are people who didn’t get to experience that old raid content and are excited to. Well I didn’t get to, WAS excited to, but why would I be excited at this point to support anything these “teams” make? How is it not clear we are living in idiocracy and WALL-E? Keep living in the emerald dream all you want, but as a gamer you should demand to get the experience that is meant to exist.

You have to spend money to make money, and if blizzard understood anything about slingin around content…… they’d understand they have to make theirselves look good to make money. But the way the world works today is “be a piece of crap and do the easy thing, make the money the fast way and who cares what people thinks” which is funny because in the end, all those companies crumble.

We are living in historical times, these huge “currently popular” companies and IP names y’all think we will see in 10 years more than likely won’t be around.

If you have a longer memory than a goldfish it’s time to quit SoD

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blizzard will still be around in 10 years. Too many collection addicts wouldn’t be able to let go of everything they have gotten over the years. They will still buy store mounts/pets/collectors editions and more. These people alone will continue to keep blizz afloat. plus they already have the next 4 to 5 years of expansions lined out and announced them at last blizzcon.


It’s easy to think that but honestly man I think this Roman Empire will crumble faster than we think after the world soul saga.

not to be that guy but people have literally been saying this since vanilla wow


People have been saying it about America for decades too, doesn’t make it wrong.

Kind of reminds me of a “broken clock is right twice a day”.

The game will die, eventually…

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I can see how that comes off that way lol. But 10 years, 15 years, I don’t think yall understand how much humanity will evolve and how many other options of things there will be.

Edit - Blizzard can stay relevant for a while, but the route they’re going will destroy the name. Just like Bungie destroyed theirs.

10-15 years for a game to still be running and relevant is an outlier.

Riot will overtake Blizzard’s place plain and simple. They do horrible things too but they are a newer company in terms of branching out and doing other things too. Do you see my point?

Edit - would love a response to everything else on the OP.

about that. their mmo got backburnered we wont see that for 5+ years if at all

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I’m aware but they build on their universe through Arcane and that alone has my respect more than anything blizzard is doing.

It’s cool and all but unless it’s delivered it sounds just like copium.

It’s a masterpiece if you understand anything about stories, animation etc. I clearly love animation/shows/cinema more than you and that’s ok.

You clearly huff copium a lot since you bypassed the idea of my comment.

You didn’t deliver it very well at all. Wanna try again?

Unless a Riot MMO is actually delivered…

You’re just sucking copium…

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I certainly hope so. Some more competition in the space might actually get the devs to start doing some serious work :expressionless:

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We are talking about arcane, I’m not talking about the MMO. Can you read?

So you’re trying to compare a story to an MMO?