Help me understand their intention

I’m not holding out for the MMO

that’s very true :expressionless: i can feel the prestige of the blizzard brand fading away…

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LOLOLOLOLOL. Listen kid. The point is that Riot builds on their universe, clearly you don’t care about lore expanding decisions. Please move along, talking to you is giving me an aneurism. Like honestly. Please go log onto SOD

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But why would this MMO die for a story?

If Riot released another MMO, sure, this one could die if it’s well delivered.

But until that happens, you’re just sucking copium.

I think you need to catch up to the rest of humanity and understand why things grow😂

You’re still not listening.

Until its a reality, you’re just dreaming.

Are you a big fan of Star Citizen too?

did they announce an MMO or not? if they announced one, then it’s not just copium to be hyped for it :expressionless:

Building their universe doesn’t make good gameplay though. Which is why the project got delayed. They said themselves they don’t just want to make another WOW clone mmo with the LOL skin on it. They want to innovate gameplay but are unsure of how to do that at the moment.

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They announced Star Citizen almost a decade ago too…

It already is reality. I care about LORE. WOW EXISTS…… because of LORE. Do. You. Understand. Sweet child.

Where is this game and when can I play it? I’m looking for an MMO to replace WoW.

We aren’t talking about star citizen lol this kid doesn’t understand human evolution whatsoever

Edit - not talking about mmo’s I do not care about mmo’s I care about lore

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Why would people quit an MMO for a story?

You are not playing wow to play an MMO, if you are then you are an NPC.

What are you even smoking?

What are YOU smoking?

I’m an NPC because I want to play a game with other people?

And you’re not because you want to enjoy a story by yourself?

I never say this but touch grass, play cyberpunk and you’ll see what I’m saying. Lore is king and is the only thing that drives anything. Not money little one

Edit - I’m upset that you’re a blizzard shill and have nothing to be receptive to listening to anything.

I 100% Cyberpunk the first month it was out.

You just are that clueless to what you’re even upset about, huh?

come on kids, stop it before the Admins put you both in time out lol