Rated pvp has been destroyed by boosters and carry’s too
Speaking an end game player with no level 60 alts, I don’t think there is a content drought. However I can understand if you aren’t into pushing high keys or raiding mythic especially the latter. The amount of time spent preparing outside of playing the game just watching vids, analyzing logs, etc. can be demanding so that itself adds up to content.
My only real complaint is rated pvp. There isn’t as much participation compared to last time I took it seriously back in WotLK with RL friends who moved on so it is hard finding arena partners now of days. Sure I can keep racking up losses in LFG until I find someone I could find chemistry with but I just wish they would implement solo queue at the very least in RBG.
That’s a bad assumption. There’s selection bias in who spends time to go on forums. Online reviews are more often full of people who have negative opinions because if something was good you generally just enjoy it and don’t bother doing secondary things.
Also killed Lone Wolf casuals who don’t do high-end content.
This is I think why people hate SL:
- Game is harder. Of course people with lower skill has problems on this.
- Harder to get gear as you need to step up to higher difficulty content to get better gear. Of course people with lower skill has problems on this.
- The easy content never gives good gear. People with lower skill cant do higher difficulty content so they are stucked with easy content which is somewhat boring to them.
- People thought if they voice out they would get freebies. They wont.
- People thought making army of alts is how to play this game. They cant do higher difficulty content so they rather redo stuffs by making an alt to repeat the easy content. They realized this is boring.
Wouldn’t say hate, more like tired of the drought of new current content
And the grind for grind sake for alts is sorta off putting to many
This thread has opened my eyes abit to other people’s play styles.
Personally, I get all my joy from Mythic Plus and leveling alts. Both highly replayable activities. It’s literally all I do.
I don’t do the maw dailies (i don’t care about the sockets)
I don’t do WQs
I don’t care about Anima rewards
I don’t PvP anymore (hit 1800 and gave up)
So I can see if your joy in game comes from things like dailies, WQs, Casual PvP or even raiding you may not be having the best time right now
Maybe you’re locked out of PvP upgrades due to the rating gating - you don’t like arena abs rbgs, or the raids on farm months ago and you already have the gear (no replay-ability there) the WQs are kinda meh
Would you ask that of a movie you liked or a food… honestly, people should try not to get into the habit of trying to understand an opposing subjective opinion. Because you like it, someone else doesn’t.
But to stay on topic.
The ideas, and implementations of stuff like sanctum upgrades etc isnt interesting or fun. The mission table adds nothing to my gameplay, anima is horrible to get unless you actively do the wqs or 3 pillars of content, the wqs themselves suck, torghast is overwhelming annoying, samey floor to floor, and doesn’t add anything to my ‘fun’… it’s a hack-n-slash with annoying debuffs.
The maw is just a slapped together nightmare child of naz’jatar and mechagon, lazily thought through, only for busy work.
Everything reeks of developers who only know how to do dungeons and raids.
No flying
M+ or die
So many oneshot mechanics
Torghast was huge letdown
Pvp is embarrassingly bad
This game used to be a bunch of like-minded people having fun together.
Now it feels so competitive and clinical. Everything requires perfect execution or else the whole group fails.
If you dont have 100% mastery of every aspect of the game others look down on you at best or berate you at worst.
But worst of all, the story sucks and the adventure is gone. Everything is laid out before you on a mission table and you just click “ok” “next” “continue” “accept queue” from oribos.
Lower skill is a phrase that is over-used and patronizing horse-manure used by egotistical twits lacking in brains, and unable to think of any other argument.
No - it’s not “can’t” or skill level! It’s uninteresting.
The other content is somewhat interesting except the jobs not worth doing mixed in.
No - freebies! When will the people who harp on this with tin-foil hats on understand that is absolutely NOT true!
No expansion has been perfect and SL is no exception. But overall its mostly just the forum effect. Everything is the worst thing ever, always.
Its the setting. Bliz jumped the shark with the afterlife.
Covenants restrict players from content. Covenants also separate players. Covenants are not even closed to balanced.
Gear drops are anemic. The vault disappoints.
The Maw and Torghast were not welcomed by the players.
The intro is bad. Like Saturday morning cartoon bad.
The Zones are meh. Oribos is super boring and bland.
Honestly I am just bored of nothing new.
CN is dreadfully boring after clearing it every week. I do mythic raid, but even that was just getting to be repetitive. There’s no new gear, no new content… M+ is repetitive and you can cap out on gear for that. Sure there are a group of people who do M+ just to see how high you can get, but a lot of us don’t do that.
PvP is… unbalanced at best. It’s a wham bam stun/silence fest, and seeing who can get their abilities off first. As a resto shaman I say this, and live forever but even PvP is just… meh at this point. I love competition but I couldn’t bring myself to continue climbing the ladder.
I’ve run all the old content in my spare time (I played since vanilla so it was merely for transmog/mounts/etc.) but that is… just that. It’s old content that I can clear easy peasy with possibility to make a piece of armor look slightly less bad (mail mogs… rip).
The content drought is real. The lack of support to players is real. No one is listening. They do what they want. It’s no longer the players game, with amazing story and content. It’s… a wait fest while people beg for easy things to be fixed such as the maw intro. I’m honestly surprised as many people still play as they do.
Yeah, see, I’m just the opposite. Repeating the same thing 100 times just “harder” isnt content to me.
I have one level 60. I cant be bothered to repeat everything on multiple characters.
Two words: Timed content
All of those. Oh and the existence of Torghost.
That’s certainly the talking point that gets pushed by those who want us to believe that negative opinions should be completely ignored because they do not exist in the game, and no one has ever been unhappy with the game and left it unless they visited the forums and were told not to like it.
The actual fact is that people who visit forums do it on every website they frequent. They like to discuss things with strangers on the internet, or to read discussions that are ongoing.
People who aren’t interested in forums never visit them. That’s the only difference.
Disregarding obvious trolls (and I am disregarding you because you are parroting an oft-repeated talking point intended to trivialize real opinions, and because of your history of copy paste similar posts trying to deceive others into believing that nobody has ever left the game and nothing has ever changed), it is probable that forum opinions are the same opinions present in the playerbase at large. If you have something more than that trite copy paste “opinion”, please link to an actual source.
Careful OP, say anything good about the game and the forum naysayers will jump all over you and tell you why your opinion is wrong or irrelevant.
It’s not a bad expansion, not really. The drought has slowed things down yes, and the primary problem I see is people trying to compare a launch patch to fully completed past expansions.
The leveling is relatively quick, the gearing isn’t as bad as people claim, the systems aren’t that complicated, you don’t have to log in every day or feel like you’re falling behind, and alts are easier than they’ve ever been.
After I got KSM I decided to take a break, it’s been a month maybe. The weather is finally nice and I’m able to get out into my garden. I’ll come back shortly before 9.1 launches and I love that I won’t feel like I fell far behind.
In particular I’ve really enjoyed the dungeons.