So you browse the forums where people regularly list off all of the reasons on a daily basis, and decided, “I want everyone to list them all again, just for me.”
I never really questioned what “needed” (subjective) to be done before. Dailies? Did them. Bit of pvp to get something? Did it. Grind rep? Yes. It was always just part of the deal with playing the game… and I’ve been at it in it’s various forms since 2006.
What’s different now? The daily chores (anima & stygia, I’m thinking of you) don’t seem to add up quickly enough… and when it does, your covenant upgrades are no where near “worth” the amount of time/work/energy/effort it took to get there. Like not even remotely close.
Pair that with the fact that people who want to raid virtually “need” to grind mythic plus to augment their gear (I know you don’t truly “need” to, but how many groups have cleared heroic sire without the help of mythic plus gear? Any?) and the totality of it becomes something I just don’t want to be involved with at this time.
Every expansion has this. The only time the forums can see an expansion in a positive light is when they’re not playing it anymore.
There are things annoying about Shadowlands, such as covenant balance mandating certain choices, but there are plus sides too. The Great Vaults probably been the best thing to happen to gearing outside of raids in a long time.
GD is an echo chamber of negative players, bads, and people who want mythic raiding gear mailed to them for doing WQs, or maybe just mailed to them.
Combination of content drought, the social bleed becoming starkly apparent, and the obvious comparison of an objectively better version of the game releasing in 8 days.
3 tapped, and done. Shadowlands can RIP until September.
Shadowlands just doesn’t feel like WoW to me. The story is beyond bad, the Jailer has to be one of the stupidest villains Blizz has ever come up with, and the zones are mediocre.
I am genuinely glad you’re having fun though.
/said the brave man hiding on a Classic toon.
It feels like I showed up to work one day and they said “hey you know how you have several job requirements and tasks to take care of every day? Well, we’re adding more of those, but reducing your pay.”
I wouldn’t be keen to work there much longer. Same reason I stopped logging in. You’re having fun, that’s great. That’s the point of video games. Which is why I barely touch SL, because I’m not having fun.
Hey, I have a toon on Frosty, you taking old hasbeen fairly incompetent casuals who love to chat?
I’m interested to hear your comparisons. You say you played MoP, and many people think that expension was the last one to feature a great many positive game aspects. In comparison, how would you rate S’lands to MoP?
For me, MoP was good because it was something of an adventure expansion - a new land, lots of new creatures and races, a story that gradually built up over time and questing that wasn’t all that horrible (if a bit repetitive). Making one of the faction leaders the main villain I didn’t particularly like: it reinforced the whole faction thing and I feel that could do with a lot of cooling off. Professions were great and very creative, I understand PvP was quite good, they had Challenge mode, scenarios (even though they sort of failed due to lack of decent reward), reforging (loved reforging), Sunsong Ranch (a great idea that should have been repeated in every expansion since - let us not consider garrisons) and the dungeons and raids were good.
Although there was a fair bit of rep grinding, along the way you could get a means of increasing rep with the various factions once a toon got to Exalted. So it treated alts a lot better. They had the lovely serpent mounts and the extra zones were good, including the excellent Isle of Thunder, probably the best extra zone ever put in the game.
Compare that to Shadowlands: the new zones don’t excite me, there is a strong sense of disconnection and very little emotional attachment. Joining a Covenant is merely a means to an end. The grinding is real, the Maw is horrible (it makes Argus look good), professions are gutted, the story is…well, what it is.
And the grind, oh good lord. How many World Quests is enough?
Sorry for the long winded response but S’lands worried me even before it started and it continues to disappoint me. If you are enjoying it, that’s fine, but a great many people aren’t, and the empty state of my main guild is proof of that.
Almost no world content of note aside from a few low effort wqs, generally terrible class balance, the maw and torghast are garbage despite being a huge selling point, covenants are trash and should never have been tied to power and pvp is a meme still.
Torghast is BORING. Nothing exciting about it. Every room looks the same minus platform layout.
Anima grind is TOO MUCH. Its a serious burn out and thats NOT OK. No grind should exist that burns someone out and takes 2-3 years. That’s how you make people unsub.
No world content worth doing…its all raid or M+ or PVP. Instanced content is the focus now.
The maw is HORRIBLE and they are adding next patch’s zone in it with no flying. The legacy of no fly zones are continuing and killing WoW. ALL zones should be flyable in.
So true!
Did you want the forums to be an echo chamber of feigned positivity?
In all likelihood the same opinions we see in the forums exist in the playerbase at large. Most players never visit the forums. They base their opinions of the game on their own experiences. They are not sheep, they are capable of real evaluation and integration of thought.
The content is coming out at the slowest rate ever in the history of this game, and it’s not as if we were loaded with things to do at launch.
PvE gearing was slowed down to worst rate it’s been in years. We were told this was because gear was too easy to get before (obviously a lie, given how easy they left gear to be obtained from PvP), but because they’re taking their sweet *** time with 9.1 it now makes sense that they expected us to want to keep playing through this content drought with the need to still get gear.
No class gear sets, though they said we were getting them. I think they’ve suggested now that we’ll get them in 9.2, but at this point who believes them.
There’s zero innovation happening with this game. We’re closing in on 20 years with this game and all they’ve done to the world is add daily quests, and these quests are completely static without any interaction with the world. The world is just lifeless, it’s boring.
mission tables suck
maw intro sucks on alts
expac sucks for alts in general
anima grinds for transmog suck
out of touch devs who, instead of fixing sucky anima drops,
want you to grind all building tiers on each character for mediocre increase
story sucks (Night Warrior was did nothing/was useless; doesn’t feel like WoW)
zones suck to travel on foot (especially Revendreth, 199 walls and paths between A and B to suck as much time as possible)
getting the same item over and over in the vault sucks
loot droprates SUUUCK
level scaling sucks and makes it harder to solo some legacy content
I don’t hate it but here’s why I’m not as happy with it and playing more other games than it right now:
Nothing to do but run raids, PvP and M+. We’ve already stopped raids because people stopped showing up, I don’t like PvP, and while M+ is okay, the same dungeons over and over gets kind of old.
Covenants. I like the concept, and while I’m typically not vocal about it, I’m a ripcorder. So much would be resolved if they separated player power from covenants. Let us chose covenants for aesthetics, but let us freely chose conduits and abilities separately.
Related to #1, when you have your cov questline done, there’s nothing to do except WQs out in the open world, which gets dull, or Torghast, which also gets dull.
Torghast is alright, but it could be better. Imagine if it had a greater exterior progression system like Hades has. You gather Darkness in Hades during a run, and once you come back, you use Darkness to improve yourself for your next run. Or imagine if it dropped more cosmetics or other valuable things other than soul ash, which most people don’t need now because they’ve already made their legendaries.
Loot. Lowering the loot drops was just a bad idea. Period
Will tell you what I told Blizz in my exit survey when I cancelled my sub a few days ago. Low anima amount rewarded from content yet everything costs so much, linear gameplay feel like I’m playing the game the way someone else wants me too, everything feels forced. Dislike Maw and Torghast but need to do them for my covenant and story. Just not having fun. If things change I’ll return in the meantime playing another game.
people also forgot that witht the level squishy you cant solo certain old contents like you used to , thats also terrible.
For one thing, questing in the maw isn’t exactly paradise - what with all those overpowered elites all over the place; who can see through stealth. Or the stupid colossus; who can knock you off the platform, because he’s too cheap to fight a legitimate fight. And don’t even get me started on that blasted eye of the jailer.
Also, being unable to fly is bad enough, but being unable to even mount in the maw is just plain STUPID!
I’m not a fan of the covenant system, besides that shadowlands is doing well. The content that is there is good but there just isn’t enough of it.
Casuals really have nothing to do. They can’t solo bfa legion raids. World quests are the same as leveling quests. Zones have high mob density making wqs feel frustrating and The rewards just not high enough. Gear progressions stops after anima gear so if they want to gear up they have to go into normals raids or above. Professions are meaningless. Your character would be fine even if u didn’t pick a progression. Mythic plus dungeons are very punishing for casuals.
When I say casuals I mean people who don’t step into normal raids or above.