Help me understand SL hate

I am really enjoying myself between the versions of wow. Shadowlands is pretty cool. Bascheeyawn is a pretty cool looking zone to me so far. Maldraxxus looks metal as all heck, and i cannot really comment past bascheeyawn yet. I havent done the other ones yet.

The dungeons have been cool also. Lovin it.

It is just trendy to hate or dislike on wow now, regardless of what version you are playing. Someone somewhere hates wow at this point. I feel that wow is old as all heck now. I mean, the original game came out in 2004. Alot of people i know feels like it just does not challenge them enough anymore, especially while lvling up in the retail game.

Wow is an old game now, but i still find it fun. Casual dungeon crawling and leveling at best for me. Atm, i am in the outlands lvling my pandaren monk toon in nagrand. I mean, in general, i do not feel there is really anything blizzard could do to make wow more popular, or to make it more fun. Players seem to complain about everything these days.

Someone always seems to dislike modern wow for one reason or another. Heck, a ton of people do not like classic wow, or classic bc. SImply because they are old, outdated versions. The repetition is the same to me, regardless of which version i am playing. Leveling is a bit more involved in the older versions, but i think shadowlands did pretty well with the overall story and leveling so far. I also liked how the classes worked as well this expansion. The leveling revamp is pretty cool, and it is a bit easier to design everything around 60 levels than it would be around 130 levels. I just wish they had given the old overworld from classic wow through wrath of the lich king back as an option for chromie time leveling. I mean, with the story, the warcraft franchise itself is like 20 years old now. Hard to avoid continutiy errors and writing inconsistensies after a while. I am just glad wow still exists, so i can play it at will. Whenever i want to.

Shadowlands is one of my favorite expansions ever. Perhaps my #2 after TBC.

But the key thing is this is the first time I’ve been able to do organized raiding since Wrath. So I think my review says more about me than the state of the game.

I wonder if that’s true for others too?

Been doing the same stuff for like 6 months compounded with the next patch just doubling down on the systems we’re worn out on since we didn’t have anything new for a while.

I don’t hate Shadowlands, I’m just tired. The raid was great, the dungeons were good (even though m+ demands they just get re-hashed next patch), the story’s good. They just need to really… chill out on the systems outside of : Level, gear up, kill things

The success of Classic shows we don’t really need much else to be satisfied; and the additional roadblocks make participating in the content a toxic experience.

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There are a few issues but mostly it’s the forum effect, too many people trying too hard to show everyone how intelligent they are by hating on whatever’s popular

Go back and look at older forum posts. There was plenty of hate for every expansion. Loads of it. SL is nothing special in that regard.

It’s the “systems” Blizzard is so fond of, that drive me nuts.

People just like to complain. I am one of tjhem.

Some Covenant Abilities: Absolute trash, barely worth even touching.

Other Covenant Abilities: Literally does more damage than anything on your bar, if you want someone to die instantly just press it.

Blizzard have been experimenting with different systems of borrowed power for quite a few xpac now.

Everyone wants something shiny and new every xpac

Theoretically borrowed power on paper is a good compromise.

We can’t keep getting new spells/abilities/effects every xpac and keep them.

I don’t remember when the first prune was, was it cata? That was a result of getting more and more permanent power and abilities imo

So far what they’re doing isn’t working since we’ve had to squish, scale etc since then, but I guess the want to avoid ability bloat and have too many complex synergies?

I don’t know what the answer is here, I see what they’re trying to do, but it’s not the greatest method In practice

I guess from my perspective, a pristine realm type thing would be cool for retail wow.

A while back, before classic became a huge deal to the devs, pristine realms were mentioned as an option for retail. While i had fun in classic wow, i like going forwards in wow. To me, my favorite expansion in terms of how it played and just everything about how it was was just perfect to me, was wrath of the lich king. It had good story also.

If i had a version of retail to play that functioned exactly that wrath of the lich king did, shadowlands would be rediculously awesome. That is just me though. Enjoying myself in shadowlands so far, but having 2 separate versions of retail wow would help players like myself out alot.

Doubtful. You and I both know people will complain about anything. It’s a moral failing. The game has problems, absolutely. Most people who hate it that much just leave.

As for the melodrama, I’ll take that over adding “lol” to my posts.

I think a lot of the hate comes from a lack of player housing.


I am enjoying it. What I’m not enjoying is 99% of my guild going off to try other games while they wait for 9.1.

nailed it.

Same hate as every other expansion. Can’t please the WoW community.

Well I mean it was supposed to have “meaningful choice” and players were supposed to feel accomplished. What did they give you?

  1. Longest Content Drought

  2. An end-game system that’s been virtually in a stand still for over 5 years now

  3. No no improvements to player social interaction including new tools to find and play with new players on a permanent basis.

  4. Inability to go farm Transmogs from 2 expansions ago

  5. A system designed around being a “rogue-like” experience. Watered down since beta, then over-tuned, then nerferd, then QoL added almost 2 months into the expansion

  6. A player power system that either hinders your ability to change specs, or goes completely ignored.

  7. More land masses that aren’t connected!

  8. Went from too much gear to too little gear to well I mean it’s wow.

  9. Zones where there’s mobs who endlessly have teleports, are clustered together too tightly, and a zone where you literally get kicked out for doing too much stuff in it

  10. Anima grind


You’re a piece of work, aren’t ya? lol

A Titan piece of work, tyvm

Yah a ton of people hated wrath of the lich king as well, even though i felt it was a decent balance. I am optomistic that classic wow 1-60 zones dungeons and quests will come back to retail for chromie time some day.

It is just the trendy thing to hate on wow though these days. I feel like shadowlands has been pretty cool so far though.

Drought, meaningless forced choices, poor class balance, the Maw.

Also when you keep coming back to the game because they promise certain things, unpruning for example, and they under deliver every expansion… things get salty.

If the patch cycle was 4 months at most, ppl would have been fine. CN and the dungeons are better than Uldir and bfa dungeons. Instead we got failed end of expansion wait time on the 1st patch.