Help me understand SL hate

This is exactly what it is lmao

Basically everyone I’ve talked to in-game at worst thinks Shadowlands is decent and at best loves it.

For me:

  1. Can’t upgrade your PvP gear past 197/200 without doing Rated, which I would probably do if you could single queue for it.
  2. Content is lacking. I didn’t play WoD, Legion, or BFA, so I can’t speak for them, but this is the lowest content launch I have personally seen.
  3. There is literally no reason for crafting professions outside of making legendaries, which cost more to make than what you can sell them for. It used to be that you could craft gear that would get you by for a while until you got pieces to drop in raid or heroics. Now the gear you can craft is pathetic.
  4. The anima grind. Tedious and not fun.
  5. World quest, fun for the first few times, but those have gotten extremely repetitive.
  6. Covenants. Unbalanced. Why is Night Fae the best covenant for so many classes? You could do the other covenants but get hit with the power disparity between covenants.
  7. Torghast. Fun for the first few times. But now that we all have our legendaries, there is simply no reason to do it. It has no other rewards. It’s just a waste of time.
  8. The Maw. Someone thought it would be a great idea to have to run everywhere. That’s ok at first for story purposes but it has been 7 months.
  9. Doesn’t affect me as much because I don’t M+, but the loot system for M+ players is extremely frustrating. If you are going to force players to grind for something, don’t throw it behind a RNG. Allow them to use the valor tokens to buy gear or come up with a better loot system.
  10. Speaking of loot, allow more options to earn loot. Throw it behind factions you have to grind or something. I’m cool with that. But present more options for player progression. Not everyone wants to M+.

Interesting perspective. Exactly how does Blizzard know how players would react? Was there in fact market research done? And exactly how does that not constitute this being a problem? Also, how do you know what they know and what they don’t know?

Comments such as these are nothing more than anecdotal, and really just adds no value to the discussion.

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Um, no.

Think about it. If your asking people IN GAME about how they feel about it, of course they will say that, they are playing the game.

But most who don’t agree with what blizz has done they won’t be on the game.

Context matters.


I mean, duh? Point is, people that actually enjoy the game are gonna be out playing the game instead of spamming the forums with their worthless complaints about non-issues.

And I see a lot more people playing the game than I see on these forums.


It sounds like you understand it.

I don’t dislike SL, I just don’t really like it either.

  1. Content Drought is real, is you aren’t pushing Raiding/Mythic+ you’ve nothing to do
  2. Covenants while not a terrible idea overall, I think they implemented it terribly.
  3. Aesthetics are lackluster, You have 2 edgy undead/vampire covenants, Maw aesthetic (more edgy dark boi stuff), fey, and generic angelic styles. Fey being really the only one out of them that feels like it’s non-generic to me.
  4. There’s nothing to do. Like seriously. If you are not Raiding or Pushing Mythic+ with the diminished loot drops, to the point the effort is far greater than the reward and just not fun. PvP was okay at first, but once the gear gap reached it’s apex it’s terrible now.
  5. Maw is not fun. I don’t know why someone thinks it’s fun, it’s not, it’s tedious and aggravating.

Honestly at this point I don’t know what else to do or say… there just isn’t much to say about Shadowlands. I don’t like most of the covenants, and downright hate one of them (Kyrians, for their brain washing garbage)

The Sylvanas boot licking and the potential that blizzard doesn’t have the guts to actually pull the trigger and off Sylvanas and finally make wow be rid and free of her also is a massive turn off.

Honestly everything about blizzard centering everything around Sylvanas is really annoying… and massively detracts from the expansion as a whole.

Hell they focus more on Sylvanas than the bloody Jailer… whose suppose to be the big big bad. the jailers taken a complete backseat in his own expansion.


I for one am shocked that there are two entire covenants committed to undead and vampires in the LAND OF DEATH.

Next thing you’re gonna tell me there’s too many furries and weebs playing FFXIV.

  1. No flying still. There’s no reason for flying to take this long to come out in an expansion other than Ion throwing a hissy fit at the players. 4th expansion in a row where’s it’s taken waaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Anything over a month is too long.
  2. Gear drought. Unless you’re playing 80 hours a week to get raids, m+, and pvp all done, gearing is the worst it’s been possibly ever.
  3. Chores. Chores everywhere. This entire expansion is chores. Daily/world quests used to be fun. Now it feels like I’m vacuuming in a video game. The quests take too and are typically boring.
  4. Too much effort for too little gained in pretty much every aspect of the game right now. Spend 15 minutes on a world quest for 70 anima. Get 2 drops of loot for an entire raid from a single boss. An hour in Torghast to get ash. Ad infinitum.
  5. Speaking of Torghast. Torghast is horrible. Takes too long, especially on the higher levels. A lot, if not most, of the anima powers are total trash, and bad luck with anima power drops makes a run excruciatingly tedious.
  6. The Maw. Worst zone. EVER. For so many reasons.
  7. Covenants are broken on so many levels.
  8. Class balance is a nightmare.
  9. Sylvanas still being around. She needs to die in a fire and never come back. If she Kerrigans, I’m going to absolutely pissed.

Everyone knows it’s painful to switch covenants with 1 toon. To experience different covenants, most people know that making alts for it is way easier. And that’s what most people would do. And Blizz would know this. Is it okay for playerbase to force them to make other toons for covenant? Base on their data from previous expansions, they know that we have enough alts. So they make it a go. And that’s the reason they wont pull the ripcord.

You know why Blizz would make a new scoring system for Mythic+? Becoz they want to have their own data to understand why there’s many whiners on Mythic+ dungeon finder. They will not use raider addon, an external app. They will make their own scoring system and implement stuff to resolve Mythic+ queueing issues.

I dunno I get that the Death thing fits in but the themes of both just don’t fit in at all.

Like Maldraxxus doesn’t feel like any undead type of lore we’ve encountered thus far. It’s like they took the skins of the Undead, cranked it up, but took the idea of what they were and removed them from it.

Revendreth honestly reminds me more of EQ’s Mistmoore Vampires than it does anything from WoW, and Mistmoore was only cool because you couldn’t kill him. Vampires are okay. Kinda wanted some more magical or like mystical theme you mean to tell me this is the realm of Death across all of the universe and there’s not something that’s like a mystical secretive group that keeps the secrets of the dead. I guess the Brokers are kind of that but still feels not exactly as grand as you might think.

Your argument is a bit mixed. I see your point, but you are trying to argue for something that most people don’t do (at least most people I know don’t do).

When speaking of alts, most people refer to them as alternative character of a different class. There is a deciding difference between having alts that are different classes and having alts that are same class. Indeed what reason is there to do that before Shadowlands?

Out of everyone I know there is one person who has all her alts as druids. But even then not all of them are maintained. And I suspect the number of people who were already maintaining 4 alts of the same class prior to SL is probably fairly small. Therefore to argue that this has been happening is likely false. And to further argue that Blizzard knows this is an OK thing to push for is also likely false.

Yet, have you noticed how dead the servers are? Lol


The reason would be transmogs. I’ve got 3 other paladins that were maintained in BFA for both legion raids and warfronts, and consequently world quests for gold. It was worth it as it took 2 years across 4 paladins to get the arathi t3 shoulders. It finally dropped for me 2 weeks before SL. It took me near 8 months to get my t21 cloak running Antorus 4 times a week.

If we get decent class sets 9.2 I’ll get those pally alts up to snuff again.

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Right, but none of those you couldn’t do with one paladin, right? You were looking for more efficiency.

I don’t doubt there are people who do multiple alts of same class, as mentioned in my post I know of one. But i am saying that it’s not an OK thing to push for as the person I was responding to claimed, if even Blizzard was indeed pushing for it.

I’d be curious to know how many players, like myself, do both endgame content and mog farm or do other casual stuff for end game.

I’ve always been a raider. Just a raider. That was my end game progression. I’d do that, then I’d do the casual/solo/anti-social stuff.

I’m an introvert by nature. I like group interactions, but only until that group energy bar runs low, then I just chill by myself while that energy bar builds back up so I can do group stuff again.

So I’d raid 2 nights a week, approx. 5 hours of my game time was raiding a week. But I used to play this game hours a day. I’d do profession stuff, I’d hunt cosmetics, I’d do a lot of other things that felt like they progressed my character or my collections in some way or another outside of raid.

I don’t really care for PVP and M+ isn’t something I enjoy. I don’t like speed running things, that’s never been something I liked.

I liked leveling alts, and I still do, but every expac takes something away from the leveling process to speed it up.

I liked leveling professions, but every expac makes them less and less valuable to have, unless it’s alchemy or enchanting.

I liked farming reps to exalted and collecting a bunch of mounts, like I did with the two reps in TBC, or the Cloud Serpents in MoP.

I liked AP systems. It was like EXP, but it added power to my character over time, and it came from everywhere. My favorite was when I was getting new talents in my Artifact. That was really cool. Wasn’t as cool in BFA, but it still added some small amount of power.

Shadowlands just doesn’t have the feeling of any of that.

I can level a fresh character to 50 in a few days, and then do the same story on rails or all of the crappy WQs to get to 60. It’s not the same experience as the previous 50 levels, so I usually end there.

I got my reputations to exalted on my main, and it feels like there was absolutely no point. The only rep that mattered this expac was the Avowed, and I did that grind for a shadestone recipe… Now what? Farm anima because the previous farm was meaningless by itself?

Why level crafting professions? Legendary slots? Would be cool if I found a reason to play alts, but my other points are reasons why I don’t.

The cosmetic stuff is too few and gated behind ridiculous grinds that I’m not willing to work on for these few things.

I absolutely hate the anima system and everything about it. The game is just busy work now and no feeling like my character is getting anywhere meaningful, even just temporarily, without grinding dungeons or ranked PVP.

I learned this expansion that without meaningful things to do outside of a raid and outside of groups, I also lose interest in doing stuff in groups. I haven’t raided since the first few weeks and I have no intention on raiding again unless they bring some life back to the solo parts of the game.


Na not scared, just to lazy to switch to main toon… But also just to piss people off like you, so your type can make everything into a conspiracy theory…

And i just raid and do Mythic Plus so yea untill 9.1 hits Nothing left for me to do that I enjoy…

That’s not what I suggested

People who enjoy the game for the most part other than those trying to white knight blizzard don’t say anything

Those who are unhappy for a multitude of reasons explained in this post are more likely to voice their opinion

Do more people like SL than dislike it? Who knows, I’d imagine more people are on the scale of “passable” to “best xpac evar” out number those who are on the “mediocre” to “wows dead” crew

Mind you this is based on absolutely zero evidence :joy:

I think another part is a lot of the fun collections and achievements from past expansions has just naturally dried up.

Where a few expansions ago I had tons of old raids and mounts and transmogs and achievements stuff to do where now, I’ve mostly done what I wanted and I’ve done that type of thing for so long I don’t care anymore.

And it’s nothing really related to the game design, I’ve just outgrown wanting to hunt old mounts and achievements and transmogs.


Yeah. Shy of them just making last tier’s content farmable immediately on launch, IDK what they can do to keep up with this.

Honestly, if Legion everything was entirely soloable on every class right now, I’d be doing that. Same with BFA stuff.

But they have this weird stance where they don’t want to keep older content relevant with newer content, but also don’t want it to be something we can just go in and do like the stuff before it.

It would be such an easy thing to do to keep casual collectors invested, but they refuse. I’m not sure why.

They really don’t want people finding enjoyment in anything that isn’t brand new, but they just can’t deliver enough brand new content to sustain enjoyment.

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