Help me find the early quotes about Garrosh

Please help! I have just spent an hour trying to dig up some quotes from Blizzard from just after they announced Garrosh would become warchief, where they were reassuring players that he would turn out all right. I know I’ve seen them, even on this board, but I can’t seem to remember the exact wording well enough to bring it up in a search.

The gist of the quotes I’m looking for was something like this:

  • Garrosh is a character with a lot to prove, but who’s to say he can’t grow and change?
  • To those who are worried, just watch Garrosh’s development, and you might find that he’s not as much of a disaster as you expect.

I found this from another post, is this what you’re looking for? There are quite a few quest was not sure where is what you are looking for specifically sadly it’s like looking into a needle in a haystack…lol

I also found that in BfA we que a interesting quest called: “Echo of Garrosh Hellscream”
I read about how in other timelines he was known as the greatest Warchief but ofcourse as always in our present time Blizz gave us the worst possible version! lololol
Here is the text run of it:

Meet Anachronos outside the gates of Orgrimmar, then defeat the Echo of Garrosh within the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Meet Anachronos outside Orgrimmar
Mob Echo of Garrosh Hellscream slain
Our final destination will take us to the depths beneath your city of Orgrimmar.

The way there is barred, but I can get us inside.

Meet me outside the gates of Orgrimmar and we will descend together.

There are still some who believe Garrosh was a great leader.

Yes, this thrums with power! This is precisely what I needed.

Meet Anachronos at Rocktusk Farm outside of Orgrimmar and speak with him. [40.7, 16.3]

I would not be aiding you with this task if I did not believe it was important.
Gossip I am ready to seek the Echo of Garrosh.
Anachronos teleports you into the Inner Sanctum in the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Anachronos says: Garrosh Hellscream… Such a pity how things turned out.
Anachronos says: In countless potential timelines, he was seen as a great hero of his people. Some called him the Horde’s greatest warchief.
Anachronos says: What you saw here was one of his worst possible incarnations. A waste.
Leap down into the room and click the time portal.

Echo of Garrosh Hellscream says: I am your death.
Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: My people should have taken this world long ago during the First War, but they fell to corruption. In their weakness, they allowed the pitiful races of Azeroth to join the Horde. I will succeed where they have failed, and no power in this world can stop me!
Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: For the True Horde!
Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: Blood and Thunder!
Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: Witness the power of the True Horde’s arsenal!
Should the player die:

Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: Weak.
Defeat the echo while avoiding his whirlwinds and the Kor’kron iron stars.

Echo of Garrosh Hellscream yells: No… It cannot end…like this…What I… What I have seen…
Anachronos says: Even as a reverberation of the past, Garrosh was a formidable foe.
Anachronos says: I sense the threads of fate upon you. You are indeed worthy of what is to come next.
Anachronos says: Had there been any doubt, I would never have allowed the shard to fall into the wrong hands. Not again.
Anachronos says: Go. Return to Oculeth. With the shard restored, he can send you to the place you seek.
Return to Oculeth in the Hall of Ancient Paths in Dazar’alor on your own.

This version of the Siege of Orgrimmar has no map, instead it shows the Azeroth world map.
Should you die, you spawn in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but it won’t allow you to enter with the regular Siege of Orgrimmar portal, nor can you teleport yourself back to the scenario since upon dying you are removed from the group. Instead, you have to revive yourself at the Spirit Healer and return to Anachronos in Durotar.
H [40-70] Vision of Time
H [40-70] Caverns of Time
H [40-70] Echo of Gul’dan
H [40-70] Echo of Warlord Zaela
H [40-70] Echo of Garrosh Hellscream
H [40-70] Restoring Old Bonds
H [40-70] Calling Out the Clans
H [40-70] Bonds Forged Through Battle
H [40-70] Tyranny of the Light
H [40-70] The Uncorrupted

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OP is talking about quotes from Blizzard.

Many quotes from Afrasiabi or interviews seem to have been scrubbed from the internet from what I heard.


Thanks, I can see you went to a lot of work to type that out! But what I’m looking for are quotes from Blizzard devs.

I feel like the ones I’m looking for were part of a summary of some live event—Blizzcon, maybe?


Apparently, the playlist this Blizzcon video is from contains everything about Cata. I don’t have time to watch it all. Maybe try looking through it?



Oh, don’t worry about! I’m actually pretty good at skimming through tons of data of stuff, specially with the right tools and if I know what I’m looking for… in every job I don’t no matter how I start I always end up working with some dev or boss who has to skim through their thousands emails or data logs!
I actually have come to love it, it’s actually relaxing for me! As soon as my parents get better I need to get back to it… still thinking where to apply next… :sweat_smile:

Speaking of which I look at the one Doness posted but I didn’t hear anything about it BUT it did help me to try and pinpoint what you were looking for let me know if this is it:

https:// com /watch?v=E7fVTabpyf8&t=1049s&ab_channel=Calyssto_AD

Just jump to the Garrosh Hellscream section and let me know… if this help? I am curious too you know! (just take the spaces out, I can’t post links here, system bugg out on me right now when I posted that last respond!!!) I think Metzen answer on Hellscream will get some people talking here talking or screaming again about that… :joy:

Best and worst thing about the internet is, it never forgives or forgets! :rofl:


Not exactly, although it does hit some of the same notes, with the whole bit about how “there’s more to Garrosh than you might think at first.”

Also, the casual reveal that Afrasiabi was the one who created Garrosh in the first place. That explains SO, so very much.

(And the sad trombone of “If you love the Horde now, how much more are you going to love it when you have to fight for it?” Man, that aged like milk that was already on its expiration date.)


My god… sooo true! :grimacing:

I still skimming through some old lore Q&A if I find anything similar to what you said you’re looking for I’ll post it. Like you said… so much stuff discuss in does old Q&A have NOT age well at all… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I’ve never been called on to fight for the Horde.

I’ve just been called on to fight the Horde twice.



Love it! Your smart remark is soo true and funny but MAN does it sting! The more I keep seeing old Q&A videos the more my Horde fan heart shrivels bit by bit…
No wonder over time the voice of Horde players unhappy with the current Horde grows louder and louder…

Never even thought I see dislike, disdain or even hate for Characters like Anduin and Jaina as I hear currently when I talk to players I play… even some of the bluegoogle Alliance fans I talk have express to be tire and bore of the same “theme” in the Alliance… and that never had happened to me before when I talk to random players in WoW or RPG settings. Before it use to be Red and Blue with randoms, now its all mix! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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he wuz right

I FOUND THE QUOTES!! I knew I had seen them on this board. See below for the words and links.


Well freaking done, Zuleika!!!


Okay, well, that certainly didn’t pan put as planned. The people who wrorte Stonetalon Garrosh are not the same who wrote Shadowlands unrepentant Garrosh.

You basically have 3 people who’ve meaningfully written Garrosh

Kosak - wanted Garrosh to be a dumb zug zug villain

Afrasiabi - Wanted Garrosh to be a more complex character

Danuser - heh heh garrosh go boom

I would go further: I think he wanted Garrosh to be an outright hero, although a flawed one.

I think it was less Afrasiabi and more just other quest writers, the only thing I distinctly remember about Afrasiabi is he said it was his fault that they overlooked how Garrosh was written in Stonetalon.

Basically, he suggested that it was always the plan for him to be a zug zug villain, and the writer for Stonetalon didn’t catch the memo.

Nah, he owned up to being responsible for Garrosh’s more honorable portrayal in Stonetalon. Called it a miscommunication.


Yesish, His portrayals (I think he was responsible for Ashenvale too) had him still be a hotheaded warmonger, just not a disney evil one. So he could have gone either way imo.

So basically the same as Varian was, Cata Garrosh was really only monstrous in the EK side of things

My theory has always been that Cata-MoP-WoD were originally planned to essentially be the Thrall trilogy and Garrosh was written so terribly specifically because he was suppose to contrast a mary sue. He was only less crazy in the beginning because he had to make Thrall’s appointment of him look more reasonable.

The only expansion that proceeded as originally planned was Cata and the subscriber freefall and scathing green jesus memes spooked Blizzard so they course corrected hard and dialed back Thrall’s prominence considerably in the next two expansions. MoP and WoD were too far in development to change the overall story though. That’s why Thrall’s the one who dethrones and later kills him in the cinematics even though if you went by quests it should obviously have been Vol’jin.

Garrosh could never have been good because if he was he would have edged out the character they thought of at the time as the protagonist of WoW.

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