How and where do I do the TBC Quest chain where Thrall meets Garrosh in Nagrand?

Here are all the quests

This Quest Chain starts in Hellfire with The Assassin. This requires you are able to speak to Nazgrel which means you will have to have done at least some of the level 58 outland Quests*.

  1. The Assassin
  2. A Strange Weapon
  3. The Warchief’s Mandate
  4. A Spirit Guide
  5. The Mag’har
  6. Messenger to Thrall
  7. Envoy to the Mag’har

Also given at this point are the following, but may not be necessary to complete the Hero chain. They are very nice rep rewards for each so you may want to do them since you’re there anyway.

  1. A Debilitating Sickness
  2. Administering the Salve

The next part leads you to Jorin Dead Eye in Garadar, Nagrand.

  1. The Impotent Leader
  2. Don’t Kill the Fat One
  3. Success!
  4. Because Kilrath is a Coward
  5. Message in a Battle
  6. An Audacious Advance
  7. Diplomatic Measures

Takes you to Nagrand to Find Lantresor of the Blade which gives you the Blademaster Chain

1a. Armaments for Deception
1b. Ruthless Cunning
2a. Returning the Favor
2b. Body Of Evidence
3. Message to Garadar

You will also need to complete The following Unrelated Quests.

  1. The Totem of Kar’dash

which is a simple escort quest beginning with the Mag’har Captive in one of the buildings of Sunspring Post.

The second part involves Altruis the Sufferer who is right by the Mag’har captive so these are good quests to do together.

  1. Survey the Land
  2. Buying Time
  3. The Master Planner
  4. Patience and Understanding
  5. Crackin’ Some Skulls
  6. It’s Just That Easy?
  7. Forge Camp: Annihilated

This unlocks the final sequence which returns you to Garrosh . He sends you finally to visit Greatmother Geyah .

  1. A Visit With the Greatmother
  2. Material Components
  3. To Meet Mother Kashur
  4. The Agitated Ancestors
  5. A Visit With The Ancestors
  6. When Spirits Speak
  7. A Secret Revealed
  8. Auchindoun…
  9. What the Soul Sees
  10. Return to the Greatmother
  11. The Inconsolable Chieftain
  12. There Is No Hope
  13. Thrall, Son of Durotan
  14. Hero of the Mag’har

Edit: I miss quest chains like this which send you all over the map… Outland is probably the last real example of them since after Cata hit, they redid all the Eastern Kingdoms / Kalimdor quest chains to be self contained in their zones. I remember trying to find all the little hidden quests back in the day… so many and they took you across multiple zones and even across to the other continent.