Ok so I’m a returning player, I was big into WoW back in the day in classic, BC and WotLK, then stopped playing and been on an off in a very casual manner with some of the expansions after.
I just came back a few weeks ago and man I feel that Warrior just does not feel very good anymore, I used to love the class back in WotLK, it felt really good to me and I was primarily a raider, a tank for that matter and eventually DPS after most of the content was cleared, both specs felt pretty good and I remember destroying as Fury even on AoE, Arms always felt as a PvP spec to me and it was pretty good from what I remember.
However now that I’m playing my Warrior at level 120 I have to say that it feels really weak and the rotation just feels off, especially with AoE packs, jesus pulling a pack with 3 or more mobs in it feels like a chore, especially with Arms with having it rely on Sweeping Strikes so often and being on the GDC, Fury is slightly better but it’s annoying having to make sure you have the Whirlwind buff on you at all times, actually Whirlwind itself just feels and sounds so weak. The rotation just feels off and doesn’t gel or flow very well to me, it feels most of the times you’re wasting time on buff GDCs instead of actually moving and killing, maybe I’m missing something, a few macros or something that can help.
I like how Arms feels very meaty and love the big numbers and I like how Fury feels very fast but yeah something about the rotation just feels clunky to me especially with AoE pulls, I think the Fantasy of being a Warrior is kinda lost and instead of focusing on hitting abilities you have to be fighting over keeping your buffs up and spending GDCs that are just buffs and not hitting abilities.
And by the way I’m really liking Demon Hunter, been playing and the rotation (albeit non existent ) feels good and the AoE is so effortless and cool, I just kinda want to play my Warrior but it just doesn’t feel as good.
Hey dude, First off your gear is really low which does affect some things. For instance, I’m not raid geared, just done LFR and some low level Mythic+, but both specs feel good to me since I have “decent” gear. If you still feel the same way at 440+ ilvl let me know.
Fury is better than arms for pvp it leans more towards arms if you have a healer. But fury has insane self healing. 2nd and the most important is you need minimum rank 2 essence upgrades to get the second additional effect. A lot will heal you, memory of lucid dreams, breath of the dying and crucibal will heal you. Get your crucibal rank 3, you should be able to do the quest line to unlock them all now that your neck is 80.
Getting better gear helps obviously. But get essences they make or break every spec for damage and sustain. Arms has literally no sustain unless you kill a mob till you get essences so don’t go arms. Fury aoe is easy and really good. Whirlwind, two single target spells, whirlwind two single target spells. It turns into eventually whirlwind, blood thirst, rampage, repeat for easy dps.
Definitely wait to make a decision about the class until your item levels rise and you have sets with the right PVP/PVE stats for your spec and content choices.
I love my warrior. She has been through a lot of adventures, but she is always most enjoyable with decent gear. It does not need to be BIS or Mythic quality though. There are just some stats breakpoints and overall allocations that need to be met in order to feel menacing in PVP and hit high numbers in PVE.
Also, if you like the mechanics of how warriors play but feel like your numbers are low, that is actually a good sign. I love the rush of an Arms play style in PVP and have faith that people will melt more as the gear comes in alignment with the class/spec play style.
I play primary as Arms with a side of Prot, although I was my guilds main tank most of this expansion. Arms feels like it is very gear dependant at low gear levels till it gets at least better.
The big thing is just to get gear drops, and hope for a haste corruption effect to help with the rage generation. I’ve found I like the Fevor style build I play with Arms (mixed in with the slam traits as Fevor can proc those slams on your main target)
If your looking for sustained aoe on Arms, I would recommend going after at least Vission of Perfection for a minor slot. Paired with Anger management, your blade storms will give you that sustain as long as you spend the rage. (Again works with more gear)
Be patient, another good essence if you can grab is Blood of the Enemy. Since I got it, I’ve been enjoying it with using Avatar and Warbreaker in combine.
Arms has no self sustain until you get essences and good azerite gear. You are wrong again.
If you want a self healing build you use crucibal and yes it actually is a good dps option. If you chose not to doesnt mean others who sim their gear and it says crucibal is the best major or minor and play it are wrong. I was saying to get it because it is the easiest essence rank 3 to get first.
Arms has no self sustain. End of story. Till you get essences. You are wrong Mr pally.
I didn’t know you wee asking me. Destro Lock CB hits for 200k+ highest i’v seen personally is 357k. Fire Mage also hits from upwards to 200k+ as well. Obv those being the major offenders. Frost/UH DK also can crit upwards to 150k+ with less effort than we can. Not to mention Feral Druid bites, my alt which is only 460ilvl max so far is 175k and that’s not running bite build. I don’t understand this hostility towards me.
Seems kind of random and you took my original post the wrong way which is understandable. You don’t know me.
If you need help or wondering how to “fall in love with your warrior again” … you 're not a warrior. I’ve been a warrior from day 1, old PvP system and stuff…
I tried to play another class many times… then, at some moment I just realize that I’m a warrior, period. It’s in my veins…(personal opinion of course and sorry not helping you)