Help me... Druid or warlock?

eh do everyone and yourself a favor if youre to go druid… Heal.

I refuse lol

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good mindset

Warrior is a major grind. If you plan to tank/offtank gearing is a pain but easier since you have no competition (I eventually went full DPS). If you’re going to dual wield you have to compete with Rogues for weapons as well as leather drops (depending on plate item availability).

Regarding PvP, I’m told Arms is best though I’m Fury for PvE. Warriors are wrecking balls to be sure, but only if you have a healer. If not you’ll be easily kited and basically a free HK. If you will do premades or the smaller BGs (WSG, etc) then sure, go Warrior if you want but if you plan to do AV or solo queue it might be an uphill battle.

I’m in the middle of trying to decide on an alt for PvP myself.

Well my only reason to raid would be for PvP so I would go as 2h fury. But that still a pain to gear especially since I don’t like sunder tab tanking

Druids can DPS if they want. The only reason they aren’t accepted is because min/max players see lower numbers and dismiss them as useless instead of taking their flexibility into account. Honestly, with the game being as old as it is and as many walkthoughs as there is no good reason to not allow Druid DPS/SPriest/etc to raid along with the meta classes.


Very true, and if a person actually puts in the time to see what powershifting is… they actually do a lot of dps … it just a lot more engaging than drinking a coffee and spamming frost bolt in MC

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OP, I have this lock in the mid 30’s and a Nelf Drood I just started this weekend at 18. Both are brilliant classes but play very differently.

The lock is a tank, and I mean that literally. High firepower, high armor, low mobility. It feels like that to play as well, very fun.

The Drood has the same power feel as the Lock, but instead of getting a big blue blob at level 10 to stand between you and the blades and fangs of the enemy… YOU become the meat shield, as a bear.

Both classes have A LOT of variables to manage at all times.

Locks have health which can be switched into mana and used to harm enemies, and then you can gain health right back from your enemies as well, closing the loop.

Druids have to manage their mana to put some into offensive spells, some into shifting, and some into healing (yourself and others), all different depending on the situation. And then each form has its own particular skill set and each one plays completely differently.

I love that both Lock and Drood have a play/counter-play available in almost every situation somewhere in their toolkit. Creatively minded players can do a lot with all the abilities and spells both classes can deploy. And finally, both classes have A TON of different builds that work and there is a lot of different ways to play each class, and changes to spec and gear result in totally different playstyles.


they cant do it end of discussion pleb

Thank you for taking the time to type all that. I’m in the same boat as you… I think both are great. If I was on a pve server I would definitely roll warlock … but the stealth benefit from 20-60 seems invaluable.



10char?.. wtf does that mean?

posts required to be at least 10char

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You bring up valid points that may have a deciding factor each of its own by yourself.

It really comes down to “what feels more right”, which noone can answer here for you.

So if you are still in doubt id recommend either watching some (i guess PvP) movies of these classes and pick what suits you more.

Or level both to lvl 20 and see what you seem to enjoy more.

If that is still not enough, know that feral dps PvE is a lot harder than Lock dps PvE, albeit the former being more rewarding as you actually have to play focused.

edit: + druid has the benefit of being a jack of all trades, meaning if you ever feel like you had enough of dpsing, you can either tank (free grps) or heal (semi-free grps) on your server.


This right here. Druid is the only class that can literally do it all (though some will tell you it can’t). They can melee DPS, range DPS, tank or heal. Warlocks will always be ranged DPS.

[Edit] Something you may not have considered is expansions. TBC is pretty much a guarantee, and WotLK is “meh, maybe”. Now you may not want TBC, so may not choose to go that route, but if you do then maybe consider their roles and possibilities in that expansion as well. We may see it in the next year or so.

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I do wanna add that: If you decide on Druid and you decide to PvP, rank 10 (preferably r12) is almost 100% mandatory.

Warlock does not need that (albeit being good for em too obviously)


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Which in itself can be refreshing for a warlock because people want you for soulstones and summons… anything that can tank or heal … people expect you to tank or heal… on my warrior that just means “let the eye gouging begin” lol
Although Druid tanking is more fun than sunder tabbing

Why is it mandatory?

I do have to ask because it was mentioned on here, how was the rogue grind compared to say the warrior grind to 60?
I loved my rogue in tbc and wrath.

If TBC comes I will be playing a blood elf Paladin. My favourite classes are those that can self heal and have sustain in 1v1 fights… I don’t know why I chose a warrior for vanilla. Smh
Enhance being our version of a pally You would think I’d play that but I had a lvl 43 enhance on Elysium and I went Ele because waiting for procs and auto attacking is like watching a bot play