Help me... Druid or warlock?

So I’m having a hard time deciding between a Druid and warlock, most will say lock right away so let me explain.

My intention for this character is to farm gold, pvp (both bgs and world), do the odd raid for gear.

If warlock: Plan is to run engineering/mining and farm DM:N and mara

If Druid: plan is to run Herbalism/mining (I have a method, I know u can’t track both at once), do DM jump runs, Tank strat live with first orb on res.

What appeals to me:
Warlock being a strong 1v1 class, easy target in open world due to lack of mobility but able to duke it out and usually win. Easy to level, strong gold farming.

Druid: Stealth ganking, easy to run from fights you can’t win, easy to gear (from what I hear there’s a lot of available gear for Druids because few people play them)

Cons for me…

Warlock: low mobility, easy target and if killed very easy to camp. Compete with mages for gear, dps only.

Druid: feral isn’t wanted often in raids, sub par gold farm, Tanking can be a blessing and a curse sometimes, no interest in healing, have to be Tauren.

As you can see I know the classes… I just don’t know which is going to suit me the best and keep me playing. It nice to have someone else stand back a look at this from a dif point of view.

Thank you and sorry for the rant.

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Only two classes I’ve played and they’re both fun. Up to you


Lmao… well that’s what I came here for, I can’t decide because my pros and cons feel super close to me… too close

Idk like you said they both have their pros and cons but I’m sure you’ll make the right choice in the end good luck!

To play a Warlock is to gamble with your life partners… What kind of marriage do you prefer?

warlocks do not have any game breaking bugs at the moment, and level 4x as fast.

I have both, but I only have the druid because I had one in vanilla, not because they were particularly great. That said, in TBC druids are godmode.

You’re asking for top tier in PvP and PvE vs thrash tier in PvP and PvE. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which is which.


Hmm i choose lock definitly

I have always and will always play Druid. It is the class I know and the class I love. The versatility is both a curse and a blessing, because if you’re not careful you can easily over hybridize yourself and become useless. My advise, if you pick druid, is: pick what you want to do from the get go and stick to that first and foremost. Once you have achieved your goal, then break out and experiment with the other roles. It seems you want to tank with the druid if you pick it. Then be the bear. Live the bear life and don’t look back till 60 and geared.

You don’t want to heal, which is arguably the Druid’s strongest role. You seem iffy on tanking. You know cats aren’t heavily desired, and the overall class doesn’t farm well. You also don’t enjoy Tauren.

Just play a warlock man.

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Warlock. My most favorite class so far.

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I play these two classes. Further, I don’t heal on the druid nor do I dps- just tank. Lastly all I really care about is pvp bgs.

Tanking on the druid is fun. As you know, to play the druid well you need a ton of macros to change forms efficiently and for lots of stuff. While tanking is fun with your friends, it is a siege on your sanity when pugging. It’s hard to believe how much people suck at both the game and with manners. After gearing up a tank set and flag carrying wsg set, I’m pretty much done until bgs with the druid.

For the lock, it feels like a polar opposite class…not very mobile, less to think about and do but efficient in killing mobs and other players even without great gear.

From a pvp perspective, flag carrying is fun and so is dpsing on a lock. Play both and you can choose the toon that suits your mood.

For PvE, can’t really help you past tanking the high level dungeons for pugs sometimes makes me want to punch myself in the nuts.

Alliance or horde?

Druid if Alliance, Lock if horde.

Well the thing keeping me from choosing lock is mobility for ganking and avoiding ganks, stealth for the same… and the fact that I seen so many terrible kitty Druids in classic that it makes me want to play a great one. Druid has always been my highest play arena class as feral since TBC and even through the nerfs in wotlk (couldn’t shape shift roots).

I’d be fine with that, unfortunately I hate Tauren lol… and lock seems way easier all around, but PvP wise I think Druid is better despite what people say… that being said I don’t think a Druid would ever kill a lock. Hate Tauren but love looking like a bear lol… Druids also ruin engineering with forms lol

It’s the PvP aspect of the class that is keep the Druid in this race… stealth and amazing mobility can’t be over looked.

Horde only. And yea I’d agree if I was Alliance I think being a night elf alone would be the deciding factor and I would go Druid. As I just wrote previously, the Druid is perfect for PvP imo both outside and in bgs… but I’d have to be Tauren… permanently lol

My elf, unless you’re rolling on Heartseeker or Deviate Delight, druid stealth isn’t needed. The current meta for wpvp is roaming death squads. Unless you’re planning on ganking and camping, but even then warlock works.

Warlocks are a lot of fun to level and have a high floor and high ceiling. Druid is a ton of fun more because once you get it all together it simply as survivable as it gets.

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I like Classic Druid and i love Tauren, but in your case… just go lock.

There will be a place for you in raids. And you can farm and PVP better.

Agreed, it’s doesnt get much better than bleed kiting in bear form laughing

That being said… I only play to lvl 30-40 as a Druid in vanilla and I was running around in night elf form most of the time having no idea what I was doing … now after years of arena as a feral Druid I think I have a pretty good grasp on the class… but I don’t honestly know what changed for Druids between Vanilla and TBC so I could be playing it wrong for classic?

Warlocks are absolutely NOT easy targets when played well. With healthstones, soulstones, soul drain, voidwalker shield/seduce, fear + potions/engineering, they are tough as nails and damn near impossible for non-stealth characters to kill 1v1. They might not be as tough versus physical damage dealers as Spriests are, but they still pack a wallop and have a lot of emergency buttons. There is a reason they have a reputation as the “easy mode” class in PvP. You are right about their low mobility though. They are invaluable in raids for their summons and various non-dot damage spells + minions.

Druids, frankly, are a mediocre class unless played by someone who really understands them, at which point they (at least before Naxx) are one of the most dangerous PvP classes in the game. They are quick, slippery, and hard as hell to kill, and best of all they are a hard counter to pesky Mages. Druids absolutely fill a niche in raiding as healers (combat res can prevent wipes), buff bots (mark is awesome), and as emergency off-tanks (bear form can be very good in specific situations), although cat form is quite meh in raids compared to other damage dealers. And Tauren kick butt, so there really isn’t any downside there. Warstomp is a fantastic PvP racial, and the extra health they get is very nice (and arguably makes Tauren druids more dangerous than Night Elf druids, who only get a measly + to dodge by comparison).

Both of these classes are fun and have tons of potential, but they play VERY differently from each other. I would strongly recommend that you play both to level 10-15 to better understand the difference in playstyle between them, in addition to chatting with druid and warlock mains to learn more about how they function at higher levels and in PvP/PvE environments.


Go warlock. Druid takes so much skill and class knowledge to even be on the same level as a 30 IQ SL lock. Also druids are their strongest at early stages of the game and keep falling off the more patches and raids come out. They do not scale well. While warlocks only get stronger and stronger.

-Undead Rogue.