Help Me Build My Rogue - Night Elf or Void Elf - Sub or Assassin?


I am making a Rogue today, and I am hoping for some input on my dilemma. I like Night Elves and Void Elves equally. I like Night Elf lore and Void Elves are very cool as well, though they lack beards. So, I have two questions I am looking for your personal opinions on the below. Please just keep the replies between the race / spec though, I know there are other classes and races but this is between the two below lol.

Race: Night Elf or Void Elf - Please mention why you think the one you picked is better for a Rogue class

Spec: Assassin vs Sub - I do not like Outlaw spec at all, not into it. Just not for me. So between Sub and Assassin which is better for PvE solo survival? I do like to PvP and PvE but I mainly do solo play and some dungeons as well. Which has better survival for a solo player? What makes one better than the other at survival / self heals?

Thank you! I greatly appreciate any insight!

Night elf - shadowmeld is an extra vanish
Assassination - it makes me think of being a melee aff lock applying bleeds and poisons. It’s a fun spec.


How is Assassin for solo? Does Leeching Poison help keep HP up decently against, say, elites?

Does Assassin always open with Garrote? I found it odd that they took away Ambush lol. Been a while since I messed around on a Rogue. But DH is really boring for me and DK has been gutted to much for me to enjoy :frowning:

Honestly I’m not the person to be asking about rogue specifics. I love the concept of the class and I love stealth but I’ve never played one for any real length of time nor pushed my limits with the class. I just gave my very limited opinion on what I found fun the few times I played.

Obligatory RIP in peace Burst of Speed. Best rogue ability to have ever been put in the game.


Totally get it! Thank you for taking the time to help me out :slight_smile: I appreciate it

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I’d go Velf because of the stealth animation. Shadowmeld is a very good racial though.

And in stealth, yes.

It’s better to put that point in cheat death.

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With Sin being mainly dots with no much heals if I go Cheat Death, does it do well solo? I do not like to run away from a fight, I prefer to go toe to toe once I open from stealth. It seems like that is how Sin plays, and Sub seems similar but with Shadow Dance granting more Shadow Strikes and Soothing Darkness giving healing. Is there a big gap between Sub and Sin?

I would try Outlaw but the Dice and the Pirate theme are not my style lol.

NE imo look crappier but have better racials. VE look cooler but with crappier racials. If you’re looking to maximize, NE for sure.

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I don’t think void elves have much to offer if you wanted to go rogue, unless you count spatial rift (Quick teleport racial spell) and know how to use it.

Play anything other than what you’re comfortable playing and you might have more fun with it.

For example. Everyone who plays as an elf should try out something like Gnome or Orc.

So, roll a dwarf rogue and play outlaw.

For solo play, the only reason you should go void elf is if you like their visuals and animations, otherwise Nelf all the way. Shadowmeld to reset agro if your vanish is on CD is so useful.

Leeching poison will be better than cheat death in open world, but cheat death > leech in dungeons.

Sin will be much more successful with a lower skill floor, with a high cap still. Sub can do respectable damage, you’ll just need to stat and azerite correctly.

Void Elf Subtlety definitely looks the best; All those Void/Shadow animations/damage coming into one spec, oof.


I half mained a sub belf rogue in Legion and loved the play style, sadly they took away a few things that made it fun, like the artifact weapon ability to NOT die from any fall.
I still like the spec, but I also enjoy Outland.
Unfortunately I can’t speak on Sin because I haven’t played it seriously yet. Thinking of changing my mid range worgen to Sin when the character updates are completed.
Sorry, guess I’m not much help.

.1% dps difference in race traits, pick whichever is aesthetically pleasing to you.

None of us here can tell you what you view as aesthetic.

Race? Michael Jackson elf. Because who wants to be Fabio Voidtackular.

Uhhh…Assassination because its brain dead easy. Just put up bleeds, kidney shot with internal bleeding talent, mutilate and DONE.

Subtlety? I don’t play it much. From what I understand its damage isn’t on par with Assassination. You can line up some big hits as Sub, but its damage isn’t as consistent as assassin.

Tricky question as there is merit to all options.

Night Elf, assassin with the Night warrior skin is especially cool.
The Void Elf Sub Rogue looks amazing, especially with the Void Elf Mog.

The reason I feel Assassin for Night elf is purely lore, prior to BfA Night Elves would be Sub, but in their anger and hatred they forum themselves into a weapon.

The Void Elf conversely would be Combat, if Combat was still a thing. They are fast agile warriors from stealth.

p.s. My rogue is still a Slice and Dice Night Elf, but that’s because I rolled her in 2005, she’s been Combat Slice and Dice forever.

Edit I know the dice are better, but No I will not use them.
Edit2: My Rogue has been a Pirate RP since I rolled her, and I still hate Outlaw.

Dude solo pve is a non issue. They all solo well. If you talking leveling and wqs that is. If you want to solo high end content or push the limits then you got the wrong class sweetie.

Grouping pve again who cares unless youre doing high end bs. Numbers dont matter.

Pvp random fing bgs then again who cares and play what you want.

If Rated pvp then no one is going to answer your question in one post. Do some research. Its too complicated.

Leeching is better when you just need to stay alive against unavoidable damage, Cheat Death is good for saving you when you screw up.

Or get melee’d by Orgazoa like our Rogues seem to do every attempt.

Demo Warlocks use to be the strongest here, but I think BM hunters do it better now.

Also since they ruined Demo in Legion I’ve been Destro, it’s kind of tanky, but nothing will ever match MoP era Demon Hunting Glyphs. I miss those days.

Aff with 3x Inevitable Demise is basically Blood DK level survivability, but actually with damage.

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