Help how do I change region?

Help. I got bored and I saw a new option to change the region.

I changed to EU but then when I logged out i don’t see the option to change back to americas.\

Now I see this:

IDK WHAT TO DO I ONLY SEE THE DEFAULT I CANT SWITCH IT BACK PLS I DONT BELONG TO EU im going to cry if i switch back to America just to find my progress gone. pls someone help me im lost and afraid i don’t live in Europe i live in America pls pls pls pls someone help i put a ticket in

I’m not sure where you are seeing regions for wow, regions only matter for world wide games, like overwatch. You should see in the wow tab a “Game version and account”, with the wow tab being the various games (PTR, Beta, Classic, WLK Classic, etc), with a second drop down box being for licenses.

Try closing the bnet app, and relaunching it. Maybe switch your launcher to beta or back to normal in settings.


Have you tried rebooting your computer entirely?

There is some glitchy thing going on where accounts aren’t showing up properly. This may be another bit that’s tied in to it.


Idk it just randomly came up, i closed battle net out and i have the option between the two licenses so i am able to get back to my us account (thank god) but i wonder if this will screw anything up