Help hiding the "Unspent Profession Knowledge" popup (Solved)

The thing is, /reload actually makes the popup disappear anyway, without that command. So I ran the command, relogged to test it, and the popup is still showing when logging in. I guess it’s not nuclear enough!

So it looks like that CVar doesn’t come registered by default so you need to manually register it first.

/run C_CVar.RegisterCVar("hideHelptips", 1)

I tried /dump GetCVar("hideHelptips") after doing /run C_CVar.SetCVar("hideHelptips", 1) and it came back empty, but after registering it, it returns a value.

YES!!! This works! I used that in the chat box on one character, then relogged, and now I don’t see the popup on any of my characters that have five or more unspent KP. THANK YOU!!!


(The icon for the Spellbook & Professions will still glow but that I can live with/ignore.)

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Erm, is this supposed to work after restarting the game? It does work for the entire session after I use it on one character (so logging out of that character, and logging back in, or logging in to another character, and the popup is still hidden), but when I restart the game, the popup is back.

I thought setting CVars like this would persist until you turned it back on. :woman_shrugging:

They’ll be adding it to AdvancedInterfaceOptions Soon™

In the meantime, try manually adding it to the following file while the game isn’t running.

\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT_NAME\
SET hideHelptips "1"

That said, it may get overwritten when you reloadui/exit the game too.

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Heh, and here I was just now, installing AdvancedInterfaceOptions and looking to see if it was there!

I tried adding it to the file but it didn’t hide it in game, and it did get deleted/automatically overwritten on exiting the game again anyway.

So, it is what it is for now, and hopefully AIO will be updated shortly and this will actually work. I’m almost suspecting it might not ever work though, since it seems to be programmed to show that popup whenever you have five or more KP to spend, so that could happen at any time in game, and maybe AIO wouldn’t actually be able hide that. Obviously, I’m not the best person to figure that out though. LOL

Copy and paste this into to create a small addon to suppress those popup alerts (and the pulsing bit).

-- stops microbutton pop alerts

AWESOME! Thank you so much. It works perfectly!


You saved my sanity. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Marvelous, simply marvelous!

Unfortunately I’ve experienced intermittent taint issues/errors with that little addon. :frowning: