Help A Wow Grandma Out Please?

I woke up to a “tink” on my cellphone at 3:30 a.m. here to find that my credit card has been stolen and now locked. It will be weeks until we can get new ones (at Christmas, at Christmas!) but it is attached to my WoW account for monthly payment.

I have enough money to purchase a token from the AH for something called a B-Net balance that can be converted to pay my monthly sub until I can get a new card on the account (?) From there I have no idea what steps to take.

  1. How do I use the token to convert it towards my account and
  2. My monthly sub is due on December 1. At what point to I apply it to my account?

For you youngers, these may seem like silly questions, but I honestly have no idea how this works. Please kind people, write this out as you would for your own grandmother if she were going to have to do the same as I.

Thank you for your help and I wish you the happiest of holidays this season.


You can just purchase the Token from the Auction House and select the game time option from it. You will not need to convert it into Balance to buy game time blocks from the Shop.

The game time from the Token will be added to your current time and will extend it out by 30 days.


Bless your heart for replying so quickly and at this early hour. So I should most likely remove my credit card first before doing this, yes? (It won’t work any longer anyway).

What I mean is, the token will apply to the account and I only have to chose “game time” then?


You’re welcome.

The card should be removed regardless of what you do since it is stolen. It will have no impact regardless on your purchase of the Token from the Auction House with gold.

It will automatically apply it to your account once you purchase the Token on the Auction House, retrieve it from your mailbox and click the game time option on it.


This section of the video from the Support Article will show you how it is done.


That is exactly what I needed to know at time I’m now so very stressed out having our card blocked during the holiday and so close to my renewal for WoW. Thank you so very much for volunteering your time to help the community and to all of you here that volunteer, thank you.


You are most welcome.

Best of luck getting the situation resolved quickly and without too much damage.

I know how frustrating that type of situation can be.

Hope you have a happy holiday season.


Thank you, and thank you for posting the video. I can follow those and it will make it easier to be sure I do the right steps. Appreciate you all!!!

BIG EDIT Incoming as I can’t make a post “after my last post”

OH! One more question, while watching the video I noticed it converts to roughly $15, however we have state sales tax where I live. That would leave me short by roughly $1.49. Should I purchase two tokens or is sales tax not charged in this case?


If it’s game time, you should redeem the token directly for game time.


Just select the left choice (30 days of game time) as shown in the video. You do not need to do the $15 of Battle Net Balance.


A monthly subscription requires continues payments, not supported by the WoW Token or the BNet balance. Purchasing a WoW Token will give you the option of 30 days of game time or I think it was $15 BNet balance.

Some payment methods, like Balance, cannot be used to set up recurring subscriptions. For World of Warcraft, you can buy Game Time instead.


Which had led me to edit my last post with a question, as I couldn’t type a new question until someone replied, I think people missed my second question:

Is sales tax charged on the usage of a token converted to game-time? If it does, I will need to purchase 2 of them as my state charges sales tax on digital goods. Anyone know if that token will be charged sales tax? $15 from buying a token on the AH will be not enough to cover the cost if that’s the case.

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If purchasing the World of Warcraft Token in exchange for 30 days game time, taxes does not apply.

If converting it into BNet Balance to then purchase game time, then taxes will apply.


Ok then, I will be set for this upcoming month. Appreciate all that came out to assist me. You’re what makes this game great!


Happy Thanksgiving Nana!!! Glad you got helped. Hope your card issues clear up fast!