So I thought I had fully upgraded the Hellscream’s Razor heirloom dagger as my 65 gnome dual wielding two of them can attest to, but on the heirloom page, it only shows that it’s at upgrade level 1. Creating a new dagger on a level 70 character indeed confirms that it’s only at the first upgrade tier.
Being that this week is timewalking, I took advantage of my timwarped badge reserves and attempted to upgrade the dagger. My weathered heirloom scabbard was consumed but my Hellscream’s Razor is still stuck at the first upgrade level.
Can anyone else confirm if this bug is present for them? And if so, can blizzard take a look at it?
I played remix and I noticed that on the raid appearance vendor the Hellscream’s Razor wasn’t accredited as being learned by me so I rebought it. Maybe that triggered something on my end.
So, an old unresolved bug with a viable workaround.
Since the upgrade tokens are BoA, you can buy them on one toon (e.g., your main) and mail 'em to a lower level alt (e.g., the alt using the heirloom being upgraded).
If the bug prevents the max-level buying the upgrades from applying the upgrades, you can still mail the upgrades to an alt that wouldn’t be affected by the bug.