Hello Mankrik

Just wanted to extend a greeting to all my fellow Mankrikians.


Hey man. I only made it to level 4 last night but I get off work in a couple of hours and can’t wait to get back on. I imagine the queue time will be similar but I’m home around 4 pm MST so maybe I’ll get lucky and be in by 6 pm or so. Here’s to hoping!

This is going to be so confusing, as a lot of people haven’t hit level 10 yet and this isn’t my name on Mankrik, lol.

My main is level 8 and as soon as I can I will be starting the forum grind to get him to Trust Level 3.

Hello to you too! like most this isn’t my character on that realm, BUT it is the same name, so at least that’s a plus!

/waves from Kvlt, a forsaken priest with a love for black metal.

This will likely be the last time I post on my retail character on these boards.

I’m hardly new to the game or forums but what exactly is Trust level 3?

That’s when you can post links (without having to put them between Preformatted text) and .gifs and all that stuff.

Ah ok. Yeah I can see why they don’t want everyone doing that lol

hello back… I think I hit 15 today… was grinding on mobs and picking at new area quests when I had to pee…

now im in Que hell… along with everyone else on all servers…

On the whole (for me, anyway) it was FAR less painful to get things done today than it was yesterday. Hope things stay solid. Having a blast so far.

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Hello! Had a blast yesterday with everyone. But today I am fighting the que boss :upside_down_face:

Yay! I can finally post as the right character!
Feel free to say hi if you see me running around the world!

I got to lvl 12, but then i logged out for a bit and havent been able to log in again. Made a character on the Windseeker realm and played there. Maybe will have to level on a low pop server then transfer at 60 to where I want to play.

Happy second full day of classic, fellow Mankrikians!

I can post as my priest now.

its “mankirk”

No, it’s not. :grinning:

Maybe that’s why people can’t find his wife.

I made it to the Barrens last night.

I feel that the Barrens is probably the spiritual home of our realm. Can’t wait to level here for the next several days in a row!

But what I’m really looking forward as a Cata baby is 1k needles with no water.

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Lok’tar ogar!

Looks like the guild I’m starting with my buddies is going to be < Hordeland Security >

It’s not super original but it fits.