Hello Mankrik

i dont get it? explain

It’s a play on homeland security. There was a guild on my retail realm with that name back in the day but I think a lot of them went to Illidan.

That’s why I said it wasn’t very original. It fits for a Horde guild though.

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Seems like a fun realm so far.
See ya in trade chat… Barrens chat soon for sure!

Dottyparton! Haha good name :rofl:


I may drop positive vibes over on barrens chat

and random knowledge on home or car care (duct tape and wd40 can fix anything)

Greetings, chums!

Hi everyone!

Hello Mankrik! Ya’ll seem great so far! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!

Greetings folks. Hope everyone’s having a good time so far!

Only Issues I’ve had is a fishing griefer on the alliance side, but other than that people’s been mostly nice.

oh how I’ve missed you, realm forums! :smile:

Hi there guys!!! Woot for classic running back and forth in duskwood!

Gotta work those glutes. You’re gonna be FABULOUS.

Aweeeeeeeeeee :slight_smile:
"and random knowledge on home or car care (duct tape and wd40 can fix anything) "

And Superglue! <3
Love you guys!

Wow, last time I touched realm forums for anything except guild recruitment was probably early BC. Good to be back, and without responsibility!

Hello!!! Let’s all try and keep our realm forum somewhat active. I really miss that realm pride and community from back in the old days. Also as always… tank LFG!

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agreed. when i was on dragonblight, NOTHING made the RL day go buy quicker than a good visit to the dramablight forums.

Holy crap. Did you okay on Dragonblight back in the day?!