Hello, goodbye, adios, farwell

Just wanted to take a moment…my ban was resolved…thank you.

Unfortunately, I will not be re-subscribing. You all drafted my account during the ban, before I could cancel though, well played. Another 4 months…that I will not log into.

I have truly enjoyed WOW and have been a big supporter. It would seem though, that I am not the gamer you are looking for anymore. I have been a subscriber for 14 years, paid even during the 2-3 yr break I took. Too bad you all don’t appreciate that anymore.

I wish you all well, but I think you all think you are mightier than you are. Always remember it great being on top…but unless you take care of those who got you there…well…those that did will forget about you as you did us.

No ill will, I just don’t have a lot of time for you because you have zero time for me.

High five everyone in the office…another you all have run off.


Far thee well and best wishes for your future gaming who knows what the future may hold u say no now but 1 or 2 expac you may change your mind. Your account will still be there if you return, Just dont delete your toons otherwise you will have a cooldown between toons if u come back.

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I will NEVER return…I will not support those who do not support the players that have gotten them to the level they are at. They have forgotten about us. Is what it is…called ego…they have a big one.

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Be sure to empty out all your in-game mails, end all your auctions, and remove all your Wallet payment methods & subscription payment info.

Also, be certain to secure your account.


Already did…

I don’t see any account closure or suspension, Nickodemous. Is the “ban” you are referring to the recent forum action? That has nothing to do with access to the game. It is simply a temporary forum silence.

Additionally, you have no recent charges from us, so any overdraft you may have received seems to be from something else entirely. Your subscription was for a 6 month block of time and charged back on April 15th, that doesn’t expire until October. The only other charge I see is from 4/21 for Overwatch. I’m not sure what you are seeing.

Do you have a secondary account?


Ok, so the ban that I received from the forums, for a ridiculous reason, I repealed. The day I repealed, my account was drafted. So when I got irate, you all magically lifted the ban.

No crap I don’t have any additional charges because I PAID on a consistent basis. OVERDRAFT? LOLOLOLOL…really? I make a lot more than you do…

Quit trying to cover up piss poor appreciation for those, me, who has been paying your salary for quite awhile.

That insult was completely uncalled-for. However, if you wish to leave over such an action, then I wish you the best of luck as well.


Gee, I wonder why OP has trouble with forum penalties…


My mistake, you said “drafted”, and I assumed you received an overdraft fee of some kind.

I’m not covering anything, I’m trying to figure out what you are seeing since the information on my end doesn’t seem to match. i.e. I don’t see any charges on this account since April of this year.

It is also reinforced by the fact that you purchased a 6 month subscription of game time in April which means we wouldn’t have charged you additional game time.

You are making statements that aren’t entirely making sense.

Just to be clear, that you purchase games, game time or other services from Blizzard doesn’t mean you pay my salary. How much money you may make is entirely irrelevant, but if you need to toot your own horn, that’s your prerogative.

Actually, there isn’t anything magical about it. You were silenced on 6/7 and it lifted today, automatically, when the silence was originally set to expire.

The trolling and toxic behavior you exhibited on the forums was reported and penalized according to our policies and while we appreciate that you are a customer, it doesn’t mean that we won’t uphold our policies, even when you threaten to cancel your account.

Since this is unlikely to go anywhere productive I’m going to close this thread and wish you well in wherever your gaming takes you.