Hellfire citadel doors

It happen to me today… Shame on you Blizzard

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happened to me 5 mins ago. Why cant you even fix this tiny problem? …no further comments… yuk

Yep, just happened to me. was looking for some way to continue. Oh well…

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Just happened to me…

Died to the 99% health debuff , can’t get to tyrant now


Ah this old bug. The OP will have no choice but to wait for weekly reset. But in the future the trick is to know you have two options for that boss. Either dps him fast enough that the smoke barrier never gets a chance to spawn OR wait for it to spawn and dps him SLOWLY to trigger his transition phase so the barrier goes down after he dies. Failing to do either of those 2 things will result in the room bugging and you will be completely locked out from the rest of the raid for that week.


Still a bug as of 7/8/2020. Seems like there are a lot of issues with older content @_@

7/18 Still broken. First time it’s done it to me, I’ve only run it like 20 times now. I was messing around with trash before Tyrant, got myself killed somehow, ran back, locked out :frowning:

I run 12 alts through HFC each week to farm raw gold. Here’s what I’ve observed.

Two solutions for this problem – applies to all raid difficulties:

1: To avoid the problem, be sure to wait about 18 seconds into the Socrethar boss fight; face north and confirm the doors close before you unleash DPS.

2: if the doors do NOT close before Socrethar killed, then they are likely stuck shut until the raid is soft reset. To remedy, simply exit for at least 30 mins, and come back. Then the doors to Socrethar’s chamber should be open once again.


Happened to me today lmao

7/22/20 Door to Fel Lord Zakuun never opened. on normal and mythic. H O W.

I feel like you guys are literally just not seeing where Zakuun is. You don’t go through the door from Iskar like the map shows…you have to go around past the floating jellyfish thing that’s holding prisoners, and down. Instead of going right to Xhul’horac, go left and all the way down.


This just happened to me after halls of sargerei, also not the first time I run this instance. Needs to get fixed asap

nice this worked thank you!! I can also see whyy it would get bugged after reading your 2nd dot.

Siphòn response works.
Unfortunately you gotta wait for the soft reset by leaving the instance for 30 minutes.

Just happened to me tonight after I died to the mobs after the room where you close the portals. I guess this is “good enough” for Blizzard. lol


Happened to me today with Socrethar’s doors after a wipe

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Happened to me today with Socrethar’s doors after dying on Velhari trash


happened to me after killing Socrethar. Died to the 99% health debuff on the following trash mobs. Doors shut closed. Might have to drink some fel energies to get out here now lol. @Blizzard please fix this, cant get my transmog farming mojo going.

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