Hellcaller stealth nerf?

I mean that was a hell of an expansion feature breaking mechanic just right before the expansion season release, a bit strange that the fix they were actually trying to do affected something completely off but yeah.

Lets not mention there are still other bugs with a competitive season releasing. Still warranted. Can’t imagine whats going to happen of some of those bugs affect dps or raid encounters :sweat_smile:.

Why the hell would we, when we have such a history with their devs? From Ion literally saying “We don’t want you playing demonology,” to robbing us of years of class fantasy to make mages feel good, and so on?

Then, when the one single Dev who plays warlock called his co-workers out on toxic and bad behavior, they can him and radically change our class and break things for years?

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lol relax chad im joking around idgaf xD

You do know this is from when Demonology was broken AF, right.

I wonder if there will ever be a time when someone doesn’t dredge up this quote just to use it out of context.

I love you.

And I have faith in the developers now. Good things. Very good things.

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Thanks for the response and the fix!

Huge thank you for the response and pushing through the hot fix! Appreciate it and am now looking forward to seasons start tomorrow!

No. Demonology was not broken. They didn’t like how the spec had developed under Xelnath’s vision. They nerfed all spells by 25%, and gutted it intentionally because they didn’t want people playing it for three reasons:

  1. It was strong yes, and raid leaders were attempting to force all locks to play it, but most could not. And some were understandably upset about RL’s pidgeonholing them into demo. That is an issue with RL’s and WoW players being dumb. Destro could outperform it well enough.
  2. It was strong, and could do some cheesy things during fights like blackhand with the transformation jump that trivialized some mechanic; like when Blackhand transitioned from phase one to two. You could stance dance jump halfway down, land on the ledge, and go to the door the ranged adds spawn at and CC/burst them to death, allowing all the melee to maintain uptime.
  3. They wanted to prepare people for the design change that came out in Legion; and they robbed us of its old design because it “hurt Demon Hunter class fantasy.”

Much like they robbed us for no reason of two aesthetic visuals because it “hurt Mage class fantasy,” despite us having had said things for years.

Stop lying to people. Demo was not broken in any way.

Ion is a dbag. He has always had a nasty and rude disposition, says stupid things, was part of the culture problem at Blizzard, did nothing to stop employees from harassment, and even hired/helped hire/or whatever a really morally bankrupt lawfirm during the debacle they went through a few years ago because he had once worked for them (IIRC) or had some sort of association with them.

The dude whinged about players, covenants, “ripcords”, and so on. Said there was nothing to fix, etc. until FF14 came out of nowhere and clapped WoW’s cheeks so hard he pulled his head out of his butt and did something.

I really wish you guys would do a better job of acknowledging these things earlier to avoid all the confusion for the players.

We still appreciate the explanation and fix, better late than never.

Take your own advice, You just explained why it was broken/overpowered. Whinging about how you didn’t like the change doesn’t mean it wasn’t justified.

“Its OP!”

Gets outperformed by Destro.

Ok bud. Stroke Ion harder.

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