Hellcaller stealth nerf?

And want to confirm I just did a few skirmishes and it’s absolutely awful. If they want to tune damage, fine do that.

But this completely negates the whole talent tree and makes it completely unfluid & unfun.

I’m really hoping this is not intentional


same this sucks


Any hero talent with a. Icd is just an atrocious mechanic for a caster.


Apparently they also added a 5 second Icd to Diabolist demonic ritual. This whole thing better be a bug, because this is ridiculous!




BUMP cos this is insane

More than that. Blizzard just sucks at design.

They don’t serve the MMO crown praying somebody else takes it from them some day

Better question is, why would the hero talents require an ICD that long. Do the devs not know how to fix things w.o doing things of this nature.

Because to me this feels like they didnt know how to fix it. So they went the lazy method.

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If everyone could keep the post on the bug forums active, that would be great.

No one of importance is gonna be on the warlock forums. Not since Xelnath (PBUH).

Ya please report this on the bug forums too.


Yep. Just bumped the thread there.

Come on blizz…


Holy - agreeing with everyone here… this must be unintentional. Completely guts the mechanic of the entire hero tree for HC.


Reported this in game and shared this topic on EU forums as well.


Bump, cuz this is nuts

This has to be a mistake. Destroys the whole spec.

Time to switch to mage or pally lol
Good thing my mage is at 580 and I’ll finish leveling my pally tomorrow and can give it all the gear I’ve collected lololol

The fact it was added to two different hero talent trees, leads me to believe it isn’t a bug, but intended.

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Mages are too squishy.

What gives me some level of optimism that it’s a bug is that, apparently, several hero talent specs got similar level of “Changes” introduced in the exact same raid tuning hotfix. There’s a big one for Templar for example that fundamentally changes how the spec would play if it was intended.