Heirlooms Suck: What's the point of them anymore?

What if instead of the warband mentor system, heirlooms instead gave bonus exp on each piece again and was fully scaled to your character, and each max level alt allowed you to equip more heirloom pieces?

Been quest reward gear slumming to 80 and just buying all the veteran gear in Siren Isles and have absolutely no use for heirlooms , except to fill low level trinket slots.
I agree , heirooms need streamlining , but don’t see the point.

As fast as leveling is, you can easily get into levels 20-30 with a piece or two of white starter gear. At least with heirlooms, most of your gear stays level-appropriate.

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Heirlooms used to be very helpful and still somewhat are, but the speed of leveling almost makes them useless nowadays.

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The free heirloom ring from the residual memories event in DF S4 led me to dabble a bit in heirloom sets. Having two pieces equipped that give a 30% less rested exp. consumed is plenty enough bonus for me. The trinket is useful as well as trinks scarce while lvling. Don’t see a need to upgrade most of them past 60 or even 49.

THIS is the reason Heirlooms should not be abandoned. Even going from 70-80, with how “fast” the “world tour” of delve quests accrues XP, you outpace level 70 gear fast, and unlike in the timewalking dungeon queue as a DPS where you can hide behind being 1 of 5 people (the way I level my glass cannons for this very reason), your personal gear MATTERS in delves, and you feel it if you’re outdated. I’ve been there. It’s when I decided that while I love delves, I’m waiting for heirlooms to sound the alt-charge to level through them.

Most of your gear dinging when you do, even if it doesn’t average at full on-par blues or even greens, is a huge deal that a lot of people overlook if they just queue-level and don’t bother to own their time leveling with content like delves.


I still use heirlooms, but mainly if I decide to level from 1 or if I’m leveling through vanilla content.

But I have to admit, there’s very little point to having them anymore, mostly because of the cost it takes to keep them updated. You’re spending about 10k gold to update from 60-70 on EACH piece. Even with TW badges, I think it’s like 600 to upgrade one piece. The cost is not worth the value anymore, there’s no justifying it.

Heirlooms ilvl 17 or 18, but timewalking drops rare ilvl 60, that’s rediculouse and makes all the cost from upgrading them worthless and such a waste…

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I still use them. It’s hard to find jewelry at early levels for one. It’s also nice to not have to be keeping track of updating gear as I lvl.


The existing benefits you listed are plenty for me. Heirlooms mean seldom needing to think about gear while leveling. I make a set when I start my new character, have fun creating a transmog, and off I go.


You have some looms with the same stats (like crit and haste) which the only difference between the two is their design. Which ends up being transmogged over anyway.

Id convert the items into buffs instead, so instead of filtering through class specifics, you just have permanent passive increases to secondary stats (Haste, Mastery, Crit) until level (70).

The only items I would leave behind are weapons and shields

Don’t have to constantly change gear and they hold enchants.


I personally use them so I can level with the same gear and transmog without having to spend a bunch of money as I level to transmog.


Quick note that heirloom upgrades can be bought with timewarped badges at the anniversary event in Tanaris from vendor Bobadormu. Good use of your Bronze badges before they go away in two days. (Bronze can be converted to timewarped badges at another Tanaris vendor).

(Sorry if its already been said don’t feel like scrolling)

Was a massive gold sink to now be useless when time running gear out stats it. Kind of pisses me off to.

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You all do realize you DONT have to rebuy heirloom gear anymore right? Once you buy the gear once and upgrade it, it stays forever? You don’t have to rebuy it multiple times. There’s only 4 armour types. Rings and other stuff are all shared. Some weapons too.

And if it’s really too expensive for you, then dont bother upgrading it to the end. It’s not that expensive for the first few upgrades. It’s really not that hard to level even in Sub level gear.

I haven’t used them in ages

  1. Leveling is fast enough anyway, especially with timewalking and other holiday xp boosts
  2. They’re WAY too expensive to upgrade so I stopped bothering - might go to like 45 or something. When the squish happened I no longer kept up with upgrading them
  3. They are often worse stat wise then dungeon drops
  4. No good way to save them anymore with gems/enchants to pass to other characters

I have 45 level 80s and 20 more level 70+ they aren’t needed anymore :woman_shrugging:

I don’t have a whole lot to add except that I think this is a really nice and well thought out post.

I too would appreciate heirlooms to have new life and I think you’ve made some good suggestions.

With the addition of backpacks, wings, glasses, watches etc for transmog I think there are some opportunities there for those of us who like to collect unique appearances. Maybe make those related to heirlooms somehow.

They need their scaling fixed. Upgrading them past the level 59 upgrade is basically useless as they become replaceable by nearly everything lvl 61+, even if they go up to 70.

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hey everyone, look at this room temperature iq person.

this is what you want, attention, right?