So I haven’t leveled a new character in years. I was happy with my core that I had to cover professions.
With the 20th Anniversary going on, and the xp buffs, I decided I wanted to flush out my alliance side and make the rest of the classes for the achievement for having them all at max.
I make a Monk. I get her her heirlooms and I start leveling. I didn’t pay attention to the set bonuses, and went on my way.
Around level 40 someone asks why I’m using heirlooms. I tell them because this is my first new character in forever yada yada and I always used them before. They say their set bonuses suck now. I look at them. They do indeed. They also ask have you upgraded them to max. I have not. Mine stopped at 35. So I was the dummy using heirlooms not even applicable anymore. I started replacing them on my dungeon runs immediately.
I asked how do you upgrade them. They told me, and I went and checked and laughed out loud at the prices. No way I’m paying that much for something fundamentally meh.
Feel free to make fun of me. It was dumb.
And yes I did make new heirlooms when I leveled up my rogue, and priest next because, well, habit. I paid attention to the level this time since I was lucky enough to get a twink tank that was power leveling people.
You seem to already know the answer to your question. Heirlooms were a solution to a problem that used to exist (leveling taking too long now that there’s 10k expansions to move through), but doesn’t anymore. There’s no reason to remove them, a few people like them and there’s nothing wrong with letting them enjoy it.
You do realize you’ve actually validated the use of Heirloom Gear right?
You were able to just put stuff on that is now FREELY AVAILABLE since you’ve already paid for them years ago. And was able to level to 40 before you even noticed anything amiss. And even then, somebody else had to point this out. You might have been able to just keep using them for another 10 levels and not noticed anything different.
Just for this alone, that’s a win.
Leveling is so fast now they kind of outlived their purpose.
Then it shouldn’t cost what it does to fully upgrade even one piece, let amount multiple, if their original use is out the door.
Disagree. The cost is the cost. Always was, always should be.
I’m very sure they didn’t used to cost anything to upgrade, they just upgraded whenever Blizzard upgraded them. They should return to that model, especially since they are essentially useless now.
So if you were to say, regularly buy your favorite sandwich for a while.
Then one day, all the ingredients are dropped to low quality, options removed for toppings, and unfulfilling.
Price should just stay the same, yeah? Always been the price, who cares if it’s worse now! That’s just fine and acceptable to you?
Worse product, worse benefits. lower cost, or delete it.
Ya. As someone that worked hard to collect and upgrade them it is a bit upsetting how their ilvl is significantly lower than the quest gear you get when leveling. Why make upgrading so expensive when they are below the curve?
If it was that easy the heirlooms would not have been nerfed into uselessness back in legions 7.2.5