the purpose of heirlooms is to not worry about “swapping out.” These are for alts that strictly want to level to the current expansion without even caring about drops.
Reducing their item level lower than leveling gear takes away what their purpose is for.
One thing is that heirlooms let you equip items that are otherwise level restricted - helms, rings, trinkets, and neck. And they may not be BiS, but they are near BiS as long as the level is up to date.
Frankly, if you keep the level up to date, they’ll last you long enough to where when you hit the current expansion, you’ll be fine with them - and then you can feed warbound items down to that character.
I disagree with your premise that they suck. They’re fairly mediocre, but they do the job they’re intended for.
Already addressed this… because ultimately killing an extra boss or two doesn’t really matter while your leveling in terms of maintaining gear. Because yet again you are not guaranteed loot, you will out level any loot you do get very fast, and there is no guarantee that the loot you do get will be for a slot that you need upgrades in. These aren’t 3 individual mutually exclusive points they are a cohesive whole of the reality of the situation.
First off… There actually are heirloom rings actually…
Secondly… now you’re just very confusing… your first post made it sound like you don’t want heirlooms to be updated… and this comment makes it sound like you think everyone should be using heirlooms to level… for the record, again, I want them to fix heirlooms and remove the out dated and useless upgrade system from them.
Also… the loot system has NEVER cared about what is and isn’t an heirloom slot. It only cares about what items are on the loot table for that boss and the selected loot specialization preferences on each player in the dungeon. If the boss can drop a mail body, an int ring, and an agility trinket but no one in the party wears mail or has an agility spec selected, they will almost always drop the ring.
The way loot works in this game honestly makes it so heirlooms feel like a necessity when you are leveling alts… and because of the level squish and xp rebalances, now even new players may feel like they are out leveling gear too fast if they fond themselves doing dungeon leveling at any point… which with how most events tend to work, can be quite often…
Its not. Heirlooms are worthless unfortunately, so much gold wasted… Ive bought at least 3 full sets for new player over the years too… And sadly all of them are loooong gone from the game.
If you aren’t farming WoD or weren’t here for the pre-patch TWW event, then odds are you don’t have 1.
I don’t care if you use heirlooms or not, I pointed out why I think they’re useful for me and why the loot table appears to be biased the way it is. You’ll still get other pieces - I did just the other night where my rogue got pants and a chestpieces in two runs.
The loot tables can be crafted to show bias towards certain slots by adjusting the likelihood of a given drop.
That is an illusion of bias… legitimately what is happening is that the big slot items from most bosses are for classes or specs that you are not playing at that moment.
Boss drops plate legs, strength two-hand, agility ring, and cloth belt…if you’re playing a mage you will only ever see the belt from that boss because it is the only thing you can even use. If the usable item for your class & spec happen to line up with belt, glove, ring, amulet for multiple dungeons in a row then you’ll think it is biased towards slots that don’t have heirlooms… meanwhile someone else might be getting Legs, weapon, helm, shield over and over again… another might be getting nothing but weapons, rings, and necks… it all depends on the exact loot tables of the bosses killed and the loot specs of the party. Many of the bosses that are regularly skipped in dungeons only have 1 drop as well, often a trinket.
Too many people whined about them being too powerful and that they missed that thrill of getting an upgrade and equipping it. And that the leveling was too fast, and that they felt mandatory for leveling and that they were unfair twink gear in PvP and so on and so on…
This is Blizz’s comprimise. They are filler gear now with some useless set bonuses.
They are a quality of life improvement for folks who don’t fancy replacing their gear whilst levelling.
They aren’t supposed to be the most broken type of gear imaginable. That’s literally all that has changed in regards to heirlooms. If you want broken gear, go and get broken gear. If you want quality of life gear that doesn’t need replacing whilst levelling, use heirlooms.
This isn’t rocket science.
No it hasn’t. They are still just gear that upgrades with your level as you level your character. That’s all heirlooms are.
This is unironically the only reason I care about heirlooms—and also the reason why I want heirlooms for wrists/hands/belts/boots. I just want the tmog convenience! It would make me very happy.
I wish my heirlooms weren’t made to be garbage and actually were worthwhile…
They are effectively garbage now though. The item scaling is so broken on them it’s just not funny. This is how the current dev team killed heirlooms - remove the xp buff and make the stats garbage. It’s now a wasted tab in my collection.
the fact they are useless but still keep the pre-shadowlands upgrade costs is absurd. im at the point where i only ever upgrade them with left over holiday currencies
As someone with 32 (out of 48) characters I intend to level via delves, which are not a good enough gear source for their leveling pace, heirlooms are still good enough if you are a deep altoholic managing rest XP, which heirlooms largely interact with.
They don’t need to be “current blue gear” powerful, they are an average that levels with you which is better than it sounds when you level quickly. Leveling quickly in a situation that isn’t going to award gear at a pace that will keep up needs something like heirlooms to work. They will be good enough for delve-leveling, and indeed for follower dungeon leveling.
For a player looking to own their time (meaning not sitting in queue) without repeating story quests over and over, heirlooms still have a use. It’s narrower, but it does exist.
Funny you should mention this, but Dragonflight apparently updated them with 10.1 I believe? I’ve started side-eyeing the sketchy looks we’ve gotten at the 11.1 builds WoWhead has been poking at. If heirlooms in TWW wait later than 11.1, I will absolutely join you on this rant and bring torches and pitchforks for both of us.
I leveled16 characters to 80 between mains and glass cannons in 11.0-11.0.7 not expecting heirlooms, using the annversary events and timewalking. The remaining 32 are awaiting heirloom updates, because I intend to use delves and/or follower dungeons, managing rest and never playing unrested.
Heirlooms have their place in their current incarnation, but I wouldn’t say no to improvements. Between mentor bonuses, rest XP management and strategic use of guild standards, there are great ways to solo-instance-level in modern WoW. Heirlooms are part of that equation.
The leveling system has outgrown the need for heirlooms, which is a good thing. They served their purpose well at a time when leveling felt like a chore, and gear at level mattered. Be glad that heirlooms are no longer relevant or needed, unless you want to level at a snail pace, I mean enjoy the journey, in which case you wouldn’t be using heirlooms in the first place.
It’s also worth throwing in here that heirlooms were among the rewards of the pre-patch event for TWW.
They are not an abandonded system.
They could use a revamp, sure, but we have every reason to expect them to be updated, and not abandoned, in TWW. I’ve personally made their current incarnation part of my leveling strategy across the expansion’s duration. I’d love for them to surprise me, but I have plans for what we know as heirlooms now.