Heirlooms Suck: What's the point of them anymore?

When I leveled my rogue he hit 70 without ever getting bracers. I had to buy him a bunch of BoEs because I had to treat every mob like the last boss in a t11 delve.

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Because you can just transmog your actual heirloom and pretend it is.

I don’t care about their current state, but the price is definitely way too much for its current use.

I used to love heirlooms for my alts, but I have to agree, the changes they have made to them over the years have made them almost useless.


Not useless since they still scale with you as you level, if you have them use them, but otherwise yeh if you don’t yet have them, no point in getting them due to the cost.

When they removed the experience boost they made them mostly pointless IMO. They would have to be very cheap to upgrade to be worth it with the current low value benefits.

OTOH, leveling a new character is so extremely fast these days that there’s little need for heirlooms.

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Agreed, but it is annoying leveling and seeing that the quest reward gear and random green drops are consistently better than heirlooms we spent a fortune on.


Yeh but 3 dungeons or 6 quests later your heirloom is once again at your level, that random green you got could end up being for the wrong slot, you could end up getting to 70 without gloves, a belt or wrists.

They should just give us a no frills heirloom, a stat stick version that does nothing but level with us for like, 100G each slot and another 50G per upgrade level, then tack on the expensive upgrades to make them into the tier pieces that they are now.

This way pretty much anyone could fill out their entire heirloom collection up to max upgrade level for the vendor purchase items for like 5K only. Then you throw in the special rings and whatever and maybe you would end up spending like 8K total, pretty sure anyone can afford 8K for an entire heirloom set.

Or just like 5K for your first set so you can level your first alt and slowly work on it.

just convenience, I would use a whole set of looms if they made them…

I wish I could get all the gold back that I spent upgrading them. Gotta be around 1 mil I spent.

High end upgrades were 150k-250k? I forget.

They were a pain to max out with upgrades at different stages coming from all kinds of NPCs related to various different content. I’m glad they’ve been obsoleted personally. The 25% bonus XP from warbands is a much more fair way to implement something that influences your rate of leveling imo.

Anybody can level a few toons. Nobody wants to solve their heirloom upgrade puzzle and be rewarded with the privilege of spending a ton of gold.

I agree that they should remove the upgrade costs and just let them scale up to (for now) 70.

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They need a massive price reduction at this point to continue making sense. It’s not that they are bad, it’s that everything else around them got better and faster so the balance is off. Lower the price across the board and it would make sense again. edit: or just give us an exp boost back instead of rested.

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Nah they’ll obviously wait until I’ve upgraded them all to reduce the cost.

Though the timewalking anniversary event was very good to upgrade them with badges

Working as they were intended in classic CATA still thankfully :slightly_smiling_face: I can honestly see them trying to phase out heirlooms entirely down the road in retail tbh. Might as well since most of the green quest stuff rewards you get nowadays end up being better than the looms. Imo they should have buffed the stats up some, or left them like they were stat wise to compensate for the xp buff removal instead of nerfing them all the way around. Would have been better than getting all gimmicky with them.

Other than never having to change your mog for a whole bunch of levels? Not much point.

For one little level and then who knows when you’ll get a better piece.

Or gives the old tier set bonus of the level range you’re currently at changing as you level up.

For me, heirlooms used to smooth out the leveling experience so that I wasn’t worried about gear along the ride to max level. Due to how fast leveling currently is, I think if they approached them with that purpose in mind, we’d all be better off. They would help polish those glaring level breaks. Honestly, I don’t even really need a set bonus on them, just having the gear remain current so I can focus on the content I want to do while leveling would be grand.

Obviously, this is only a problem if you prefer to run dungeons over questing, though.

I actually like the current way heirlooms work. They are worse than greens that drop while wandering around questing, so you can make the choice to enchant the green and wear it or just wear it for a few levels to improve your stats or not do that. Keeps greens useful. Sadly crafted gear still useless for leveling due to low ilevel.

When they removed the XP boost and made them expensive as hell to upgrade, I think that killed looms for a lot of players.