Heirlooms or Azerite Gear 110-120

I don’t timewalk anymore. Since the scaling issue pre-BFA I have rarely done any dungeons or raids. But thanks for the info I forgot about those.

Alright so based on the feedback, heirlooms are lower ilvl than the gear that drops. That is fine, but I will be keeping good gear that drops to use in battle grounds since I like to level the last 4 levels of the bracket through pvp and just use the heirlooms when pve’ing.

They seem fine to me. Remember they have Secondary stats unlike Azerite pieces so the main stat will be lower.

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this is incorrect. you will have significantly less health and your abilities will do significantly less damage if you are using heirlooms.

you will have less primary stat and if you don’t believe me can check your tooltips with quest azerite armor and heirlooms. the secondary stats are contributing nothing when you’re dealing far less damage with core rotational abilities.

there seems to be a lot more ilvl variants of azerite armor and at some lvl there is a jump in stats that the heirlooms do not get.

The issue is that Azerite gear is base level 280, which is loads higher ilvl than any other gear you can get at that level. Even the Azerite gear you get from the first quest at level 110 is ilvl 280. Heirlooms won’t catch up to that ilvl until level 120.That’s where the huge differences arise from.


I’ll still take the XP boost. TTK between the two is minimal IMO and the XP increase is very noticeable.

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I think one of the biggest thing to do with heirloom that replace azerith pieces is just to switch to them when you turn’in quests if having “worse gear” on bothers you.

If the stats on the head, shoulder and chest heirlooms are a big issue, use Azerite gear when killing things for the quest, then wear the looms when turning in quests.

Wow, I just got ninja’d. :joy:

I think we disagree about what’s “significant” while leveling. As I said my personal experience is TTK between the two is easily trumped by the significant XP Buff from looms. /shrug

Meh. Then you miss out on all the XP from kills.

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That is not the experience I am having, could you be more specific about what you are doing while leveling(questing/islands/dungeons and your level/etc) where the heirlooms are NOT a detriment to your “TTK”?

They really aren’t as important if you’re leveling by dungeons or islands since everything dies basically instantly anyway. It’s more of a problem if you’re leveling via questing since mobs actually hit you back there, and you can die, especially at the 115-120 levels stuff in the world starts to hit pretty hard.

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Heirlooms makes the ride faster - I also put the azerite neck in my bag and use a heirloom there. Here is how they scale:

heirloom ilevel 110=170 (was 160); 111=216; 112=224; 113=233; 114=242; 115=250; 116=258; 117=267; 118=276; 119=284; 120=284

In my tanking of bfa dungeons, I saw no change in my power level on my war and druid who I just pushed up to 120.

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Looms exist for the exp bonus. The loss of azerote talents well leveling doesnt matter. Once you hit cap swap the gear out.

I was able to upgrade most of the looms that mattered with timewalking badges.

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Don’t think most people are complaining about the azerite traits, but more about the rather HUGE stat difference. If BfA leveling is tuned to having azerite pieces(and it is, you are handed one in the intro and can have all 3 slots covered in under an hour), Heirlooms should scale from 111-120 with similar stats/item level.


At 117 I do feel like I’m working to stay alive, but I’m not giving up the XP bonus, and like others said, I’m not sure the change at 117 is any worse with heirlooms. It’s also nice to put off worrying about traits, etc.

The azerite gear has no secondary stats. You aren’t really loosing out on stam or core stat. Just mediocore talents.

The looms will give you more overall stats. And really 50 % plus a 10% potion and whatever wm gives. Leveling shouldn’t take long at all.

Then at cap you just swap out gear.

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Repeat of helpful (I think) advice:

If you are not too picky about getting ALL the experience, or if you are dying/killing stuff too slowly… Make 2 armor sets, one with normal gear, one with xp heirlooms. When you go out to do quests, put on your normal set and do all your quests. When you return to camp, put on your xp gear and turn them all in. It’s about as close to the best of both worlds as you are likely to get.

Heirlooms are higher iLevel than equivalent Blues which is what looms are designed to match. So that wouldn’t work.

The easy answer is save the Gold and don’t wear looms if you feel like it’s taking too long to kill things. Maybe it’s because I’m leveling my Druid as a Bear and just pull packs and AoE them down that I’m not noticing much of a difference.

Wq opens up as soon as u take tour of zandalar or boralus in a quest .