Heirlooms in Wrath

I wouldn’t mind a tabard with a small exp buff (say 10-15%) for alts, but what’s bad about heirlooms is you don’t get to replace gear on a lot of key slots. It makes leveling feel more like a chore because you lose a major aspect of progressing your character while leveling up. They actually making twinking even worse too, somebody in full looms is going to smash anyone who doesn’t, even more than someone in rare lobie dungeon loot, and takes less effort to obtain.

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In all things Classic I would prefer they stick to the original progression path of the game over time whenever possible. LFD should be released in the exact patch it was back in Wotlk. Herilooms should be introduced exactly as they were in the past.

The only times they should change the game are when new technologies or current player behaviors don’t match the old game world as ideally as we would hope. That is very vague but the point is there should be exceptions to the “no changes” concept, but they should only be made to address specific problems and not rewrite history for the sake of the preferences of a segment of players.


IIRC we will only get the shoulders, weapons, and trinkets, not a full set of them. thats how it was when they came out


Blizz: We are releasing heirlooms in our cash shop for $39.99! We believe this price will help preserve the Classic feel of the WotLK content.

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…aren’t you pro-LFD, or am I mixing that up with someone else?

I feel bad for invalidating all those low level trinkets and shoulders.
They’re from OG they’re fine in classic

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heirlooms are great, they better be there lol.


Ughh retail heirlooms don’t give XP bonuses anymore… So please stop talking about retail when you have absolutely no idea wtf you’re talking Abt.

Heirlooms were in wotlk and absolutely should be in wotlk again.

So they remove LFD from leveling, now heirlooms…

Someone must own blizzard stock and really wants ppl to just buy boosts


Please don’t give them ideas and for the record I would only be OK with that if they gave us the air loom tab with it

Not to mention that BiS gear for 19 twinks arent even the looms


You’re missing chest And there was a ring from the fishing tournament added and wrath as well.

Cataclysm added Helm Is legs and Cape And wod Added more rings some or trinkets and some more weapons.

And see I’m on the other side I like that I like I don’t have to worry about replacing 4 of my slots Because realistically when you’re leveling up you just want to level and if it’s your alt your leveling why would you care about low level gear progression.

When you’re just going to replace it when you gets to 80 I don’t know maybe it’s just me but I don’t really care if I get to use the same weapons from one.

To 80 Am I opinion it makes a better Because I always have best items in those slots from one all the way to cap especially if it is an alterator your main focus at that point is to get that character too Max level.

So I don’t Get why that’s a bad thing

The chest wasn’t released til later on in LK if it wasn’t released with the others that came out in cata

We’re getting the final patch of the expansion All of the air loom gear should be in from the start it’s meant for lovely Alps anyway It’s not like you’re not going to have a level 80 character in order to be able to get the gear regardless so again it’s fine.

I think it’s silly to be that knit piggy about something so small Again it’s leveling old characters let people level their alts or else cause let’s be honest most people just want to get it done especially it’s 3rd 3rd or 2nd alt.

Oh im fine with heirlooms, mainly providing context for people who don’t in this thread. nobody can have full slots of heirlooms before cata.

Oh OK I see that makes sense my bad Sorry sometimes through texts it’s a little bit hard to tell when people are ovor other exaggerated things are not

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They’re much better than Blizz selling boosts. And they’re authentic.


I want them. I can’t wait to get the loom bow for a Hunter alt and just melt my way through the quests.

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And they aren’t handed out, there’s a grind associated with them. Still waiting to find out that Blizz doesn’t think they fit classic though lol


Umm…it means they kill 2000 “boars” southpark style instead of 3000. Not much changes on those boar kills from 2000 to 3000.

I mean one of the few ways to spice up a hunter leveling is not shoot the bow. You work on weapons skills. If really motivated once mobs in the zone go green if not grey you really spice it up. Now you are punching them for unarmed skills to cover disarmed cases.

even with a baked in xp bonus to tbcc (well people say its there) a few regions in this game you will hit quest walls. If solo and /who is not very lively…you see a whole bunch of red quests you may not want. Accidental agro happens to mess up your attempt at 1 v 1 mob kill…you die.

Now you go south park it on yellow mobs. or you like one BE leveler I tried…you leave hillsblad and go to orc land a night or 2.

So even with loom bonus…one will see a whole zone story really.