Heirlooms are trash now

I just wore mine on a pally and felt pretty strong. The lack of xp boost sucks but they still felt good.


Ah yes, because a straight number increase isn’t super lame at all.


I really think the 6 piece set bonus should either have been a boost to speed after a kill or mount summon reduction because unless your certain classes like druid or shaman it would be rather convenient in killing off the downtime you spend going from mob to mob.


That was the point of heirlooms since their inception. If you didn’t want the exp boost, why were you wearing/purchasing them?

But please. Make sure to kill the random critter on the ground to make use of your “buff” when you turn in a quest. That is, after logging into it after not playing it for a week intentionally to make use of the “bonus”.


I don’t get your issue… leveling is MUCH faster now. Why do you need xp bonuses on top of that?


oh snap, we have another keyword accomplished!
i’ve almost checked off the entire list, and it’s still early.

everyone take a shot


They seem fine to me. What’s your issue?

Ah maybe because they were the BIS item until their max cap… maybe that was why? But why would that make sense? An item that can be transmogged from level 1 that you never have to change out that is BIS? Crazy… Who would want that?


the bonus set is just garbage.

they ignored the feedback and refused to change them.


The gear leveling with you isn’t the issue we are discussing.

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this just wasn’t the case.
…especially with gear rewards having a chance to forge.


Well leveling is still much faster now so… why are you even crying still?


The set bonuses are garbage.


XP aside; item level and enchant should scale to your level. Isn’t that good enough for lowbie gears?

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And…? Is there anything else?

Great, thanks for your valuable input.

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Ahh Patch day. The day of complaints and people acting like they never once complained and are above it.


Speaking pre-squish they were ok ilevel-wise, about on par with anything you get unless it WF/TFs and then it’ll be better until you level a few times. I just had to level my monk from 45-50 and that seemed to be the case as well. The reality is they’re now more of a convenience item in that you don’t have to think about most slots of gear.

IMO: Heirloom power needs to be buffed a good 10-15% or so to make them indisputably better. I also think rounding out sets is in order by now. They seemed to stop introducing items because they didn’t want to keep introducing more EXP gains, but heirlooms no longer do that sooooooooooooooooo.


But you don’t need to go any faster… its already much faster… now they are just gear that levels up with you.

You don’t seem to get that the xp bonus isn’t needed, but I guess it doesn’t really matter what you think.

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Yeah, the rested bonus is just nonsense. Makes heirlooms only good if you never play the character. How does that make sense.