Heirlooms are kind of useless in Shadowlands

I’m not entirely sure myself but I think it means that the rate at which you consume that bonus XP slows down. Meaning that you’ll be able to kill more mobs or turn in more quests until the rested XP buff goes away. Again sorry for the confusion as I’m not entirely sure. If they were just flat 10% XP increases that would be much better in my opinion


Your rest bonus lasts longer.

Or this is another way to say it.

Yeah I totally agree but I think activiszzard wanted to move away from “+X% XP increase” so they created a convoluted and confusing set bonus.

It only adds a bonus to killing mobs and looting exp eligible treasures, like you find in WoD content.
It provides zero benefit to quest turn-in or dungeon completion experience.

The bonuses just extend how long the rested bonus will last, but if you aren’t regularly taking multi-day breaks on a character you won’t see much benefit from it.

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Because it’s gear you never have to replace for 50 levels.

And the XP bonus is meaningless in SL when you level 70% faster and half the levels.

Uh yeah they are. Dungeon blues may have +1 or +2 for like a level or two. That’s it dude.

No they don’t. Because they aren’t getting deleted and are still useful.

Stop with the drama and lies. LOL

But it’s less effective than the gear you just get.

Great so this doesn’t help your argument. It’s null.

On the ptr my heirloom gear was regularly less effective than greens.

Yes they do. They no longer have what they paid for.

Yes, you should.

Not everyone is always going to agree with you. You can be fine with this change others won’t be.

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Feel like this: you got a solid 1.5 years of enjoyment. That was certainly worth the fictitious gamegold you spent.

It’s silly to expect free things to last forever.

Sorry. You can’t use something for 18 months and then return it.

I think it’s totally NOT justified.

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I’m meh at worst about the heirloom changes, but even so, it’s hard to turn down faster leveling when I’ve seen these same zones god knows how many times. I’d drop serious gold on a toy that gave the same xp bonus heirlooms used to.

Except I didn’t get to 18 months of use out of the heirlooms I’ve upgraded. I cant constantly play the game to get everything done that I wanted to get done with the heirlooms. Also if you’re not going to say anything constructive, why post anything?

I started in BC, and raided ICC in Wrath.

I do not believe you, you lost me when you edited your reply after trying to insult me.

Or should I call you Mr.Integrity?

If I own a Tesla for 18 months and they patch the max speed down to 45 you’d best believe I’m returning it come hell or high water.


Well said, friend.

This is fine tbh.

This is also fine as it removed any downtime at all.

This is a great idea and in a 5 man it blew up a pack - something quite satisfying considering the aoe caps on spells - this is uncapped aoe damage. The stat buff 2 min limit is painful and needs to be a 10 min buff, something long enough to allow you to extend it while turining in quests - a great change would be every 5 kills that grant exp/honor refresh the 10 min limit. Reduce it to 20-30% main stat bonus as balance.

This as a bonus to the 2pc isnt amazing, id rather see out of combat passive movement speed increases (10%) or faster mounting.

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The go go go stuff definitely started in wrath, friend.

I used to make a game out of completing dungeons without divine plea falling off. (I think? The buff that turned healing into mana for paladins that refreshed on being healed.)

How many times are you going to try to spread this lie? NO. IT. ISN’T.

LOLWUT? They replaced it, because you don’t need it. Do you even hear yourself?

They have heirlooms added to a tab that level with them. Wtf is wrong with you?

Another stupid statement, because you’re the one lying and spreading false information.

You don’t believe me…when Wrath is the expansion that heirlooms and their exp bonus were added to the game…along with dungeon finder? Well if that’s the case then I don’t know if you’ll believe anything I say. But go ahead and keep trying to blame mythic+ :wink:

Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were in the ptr with me and tested it right next to me.


It isn’t as good as the gear you get.

Do you? You literally said that it didn’t matter.

Not only that you missed the point.

But they’re not doing what they originally did and it doesn’t equal what they used to do.

Like I said, you don’t have to agree but you’re being ridiculous right now.

Except I’m not…

Heirlooms became useless a long time ago for me personally. I haven’t actually leveled a character since Blizzard gave me the option to max level boost a character for $$. It takes more time to hit max level than it does to earn the gold/$$ to pay for a boost.

I’m in beta, genius. Don’t make me laugh.

Haha I’m not the one making up crap and telling people they’re worthless.

Way to turn it into a childish “nuh-uh!” statement.

You’re embarrassing yourself. And I’m not losing brain cells talking to you anymore. LOL

Old news, moot point. Everything changes in SL.

I used gold and chrono badges. I agree with the removal of exp. But tje set bonuses are horrible, are unfunny and they should have gone with sone kind o:

5% speed bonus or add weapon procs to tje hierloom weapons or shields to make tjem integesting, or add the book that spawns a skeleton as effect for a hierloom

The ones that are now are very boring