Heirlooms are kind of useless in Shadowlands

I already don’t care about the nerf, but if they completed the sets I will be 102% content.

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Sure. They were still useful. But a lot of people wouldn’t have run out and bought tokens with real cash money to upgrade all their heirlooms if they had realized that devs were already planning to nerf them after getting players to spend cash on upgrades.

It was a borderline scam.

Seriously. You mean the “bonus” that will aggro everything around you and get you killed as a reward for leveling? That “bonus”?


I meant only the part about WHEN it will be activated.

Most people complaining about it are saying they are worried they will be nowhere near combat and the short window of it will make it then “useless”.

Did you use the armor at all before these changes? Players have known for months now that heirlooms were getting somewhat nerfed.

You can’t nerf the fact that it scales tho. You can still put enchants on gear and carry that damage boost for quite a while longer and more cheaply than regular gear players, so there’s that at least. As well as stat bonuses still being higher than regular gear. Not to mention there will be times where regular players simple can’t replace their gear as quickly as they level, which is usually always the case so you will be stronger. Heirloom players always have 10% more hp than me because I could never keep up. The damage they did was way higher as well.

The smart thing would have been to invest in one at a time, instead of each set at all at once. Im assuming that’s how you did it.

This is still one of the best things about heirlooms.

When I’ve used them, I’ve rarely found an upgrade over them, and even if I do, it only lasted for a couple levels at best.

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They’re right. Either it’s useless or it will kill you. Or if you’ve almost got something else dead it might finish those mobs off. What does this remind me of…?

Corruption. Sometimes you get a boost, and sometimes your gear tries to get you killed.

Oh, boy! I can buy rare enchants to compensate for how inferior the gear is, or level up an old enchanter and spend months farming up old mats.

Really? Which era of nerfs are you referring to? Heirlooms have been changed several times. Did you decide not to run dungeons to avoid getting gear better than heirlooms or something?

I’m not sure why “the smart thing to do” would have been to buy a single heirloom and equip it, leaving your other slots empty or with level 1 greys. Explain that to me.

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Given WoW’s current state…

I’m not sure I’d believe the Dev’s who made them, and the Dev’s who changed them are even the same team.

Since heirlooms came out they went through a load of changes, and then we got the upgrades for them, and then we had an entire expansion to use them as-is.

2 years is a long time, and fair chance those Dev’s got put onto other projects, or left, or… otherwise.

Kinda a thin line calling it a scam, you got exactly what you paid for and then some.

You do know that AoE already exists, and anywhere you’re fighting that many mobs in a pack that close… you already have a tank holding ALL that threat.

This is the one that gets me.

People talking about that AOE thing make it sound like when it goes off it’s going to aggro the entire area you’re in, almost like it will catch every mob in the zone.

I had said it would likely happen WHEN you’re in the middle of a fight, and then, what is there to aggro? You’re already fighting!

As for the tank thing… well, you might not always be in a group, so that’s not entirely valid, but I get where you were going with that.

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I upgraded my heirlooms in June of 2019. I have been able to complete the Paladin order hall and the Monk order hall. As well as the Warrior order hall because thats been my main class since 2011. So I’ve gotten 2/12ths of value. I know its seems like I had time to get all the order halls done. But I work full time and go to college full time (I dont take summers off from school). I feel like I’m losing out on the investment. I mean, you’re not wrong, the smart thing to do would’ve been to upgrade heirlooms as I needed them. But I also didn’t expect them to get such a wacky nerf. Which wouldn’t be a nerf if they gave the set good bonuses.

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Sure, and I can agree, but at the same time… you probably already agro’d them, and in full looms you’ll have the experience to know how and when you pull them.

You also note quite rightly that they aren’t going to agro the whole zone, I’m pretty sure that radius is quite well tuned to suit it, and if not… as someone above us posted these are still a work in progress… I’m sure they are actively testing this stuff, that’s why we pay our sub fees.

Until they up the stats on them at least they’re useless.

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Yup, professions are a staple in most mmorpgs and there to boost performance. You can ditch the over-used sarcasm. It makes you sound dumb. The option is there and its an advantage to having heirlooms. Take it or complain about it, doesnt bother me, as someone who also owns heirlooms. I can personally live without them.

Do we really need to go back in time to figure this out, and do I really need to explain the gearing system? One dungeon when leveling pre 110 is usually 1.5x a level, with quests and pretty much a level, or an entire level in most cases without. Do the math yourself on the probability of replacing every slot that an heirloom doesn’t have to. In most cases, the loot is not always filling every single slot but half of them at best. Half the gear is always very under leveled.

If you refer to my quote, I wrote set. It sounded like OP purchased every set and every upgrade for each set before actually considering his investment and using it properly.

Can you reply with actual arguments instead of sarcasm and pointing the finger, child?


Like I said, sounds like a bad investment. It would have made more sense to invest as you go. Not to say you deserved this but hindsight is always 2020. Heirlooms still have their use. If its just to do class hall then the issue seems far less of a concern. Completeing a class hall doesn’t require an exp, it requires time. Heirlooms still decrease time played vs non heirloom players in the form of stats, and efficiency.

Says who? Do you know what others would have done? How do you know they wouldn’t have done it anyway, because they’re still useful?

And anyone who paid real money for heirlooms is an idiot. They can be bought for holiday currencies, FFS.

ROFLMAO no it wasn’t. That’s one of the most ridiculous statements yet today. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Dude. If you die as a lowbie in heirlooms, you’re bad at this game. LOL

Where are you getting these lies? It’s not inferior. Wtf.

That’s some messed up math right there. If you’re using them, then you got what you paid for. :roll_eyes:

More lies. The stats are comparable to gear you get in dungeons. Stop spreading this bs.

I like the changes. Less levels and the set bonuses for heirlooms are kind of nice.

Not once have I paid money for gold. Ever.

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So… Why would you bother with it?

The heirlooms benefits through the set bonus don’t amount to anything near as useful as they did.

Folk have every right to be annoyed by the change after the significant expense to acquire them.

Also they’re really not comparable to dungeon gear of the same item level. At least not when I was using them on the ptr.

Their stats need to be much higher.

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But with the set bonuses Blizz has planned Heirlooms will offer minimal decrease to time played. If the 2 and 6 set bonuses were flat 10% xp gained increases across the board that would make more sense and would be better received. Even without heirlooms the rested XP bonus is a miniscule buff when compared to a player that is leveling without it. The 3 set bonus to increase resource regeneration is incredibly useless as no one really notices missing resources until mythic+ unless they are stuck with a terrible group while leveling through older content. If that would be a 15% movement speed buff instead that would be more beneficial to the player base (in my opinion) as random mobs haven’t been threatening since TBC and Wrath. Heirlooms scale but that doesn’t really matter even now because the gear you get from completing dungeons whether its from the bosses or the gear sacs (I don’t know what else to call them) at the end of the dungeons has better stats than the heirloom gear that you are wearing for the next two levels until your gear scales to where its on par with the gear you looted. I’m currently leveling a warlock and the only reason I don’t equip the loot I get from dungeons while leveling is the XP buff on heirlooms and the fact that I know in 2 levels the heirloom gear will be on point with I got from the dungeons.


You’re trying to put the blame of the “go, go, go” mentality on mythic+ even though that mentality has been part of this game since I started playing in Wrath if not earlier… :man_facepalming:

Sorry to jack your thread but can someone help explain how the set bonus 2 and 6 works!?!?!?

Rested XP is essentially extra XP you get for whatever (questing, killing mobs) but if 30% of that is reduced, how does that help at all?

I believe it is a 30% reduction in rested bonus decay.