Heirlooms Are Fine

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Heirlooms are fine

Carry on.

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Ilvl of heirlooms upgrades as you level. What level do think you should have 100ilvl gear? 25 like the toon you posted on? My lvl25’s gear is like ilvl 16.

Heirloom armor on a Level 50 character should be ITEM LEVEL 100.

But what is it?

The lowest item level on a green item from the auction house… for a fresh 50… is like ITEM LEVEL 87.

If the heirloom armor isn’t even ITEM LEVEL 87 then it is 100% absolutely COMPLETELY POINTLESS to upgrade the heirlooms and the “new feature” is BROKEN.

It needs a hot fix. Tonight.

This is unprofessional and embarrassing.

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You shouldnt be using HL items at 50 anyway, thats when you stop using them switch out to SL gear.

LOL! Apparently you’re right because Blizzard has nerfed them down so much.

If they want to use them as a gold sink FINE but make them worth it.

What level are they? If there not even 87?

I dont know. I didnt check. But people are saying theyre lower than 87.

Auction house greens are 87 at Level 50.

Heirloom armor should be AT LEAST that and probably should be item level 100.

You never mentioned what the item level was. What’s the upgraded level at 50. And it would go up each time you gain a level too.

Heirlooms have always required that you reach 1 level into the expansion before they jump up in item level… this isn’t new. I’m sure at 51 they’re fine.


That’s a lot of rage for hearsay. Figured you’d already wasted money on the upgrade.

Thanks for the warning though!


my level on my fully upgraded loom pieces only go to level 49 not 50 as the final token says it goes to

According to wowhead, the ilevel jumps from 58 to 98 for a level 50 to 51 one;


I’ll bite.

Upgraded a necklace.

Ilvl on a level 50 toon is 58. Ilvl on a 51 toon is 98.

Go do the maw intro and gain a level lol.



Thank you.

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I added an image to my post. Now you can see for yourself.

heirlooms have always been like that, they make the big jumps at levels 51, 41, ect…not 50, 40. Try leveling to 51, or give the heirloom to a toon that is level 51+ and see what the item level is.

ilvl doesn’t matter in open world when everything scales with it. You can level through shadowlands easily without ever changing your level 50 gear.

Title updated

We are good

Thank you, friends.

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This thread is the closest I found to answer my question. Under 50 all the items ilvl is 58. Is that from missing the last expac? I have been out for 3 years. I was assuming it would update after I had logged out then back in. I have a lvl 44 Druid and they are ilvl 50. Are they only going to update when I hit 51? It completely defeats the purpose of a 40 wearing them if the ilvl is so low.

I dont think so. I have yet to see my level 1 toons have heirlooms with item level 58.

Ok, I can buy that.

yes, if they’re fully upgraded heirlooms.

No, it doesnt. If you happen to be on a toon (say a 50 thats been acquiring rested exp) you will get up to 90% reduction in the rate that rested exp is consumed, ie., the rested lasts longer. Additionally, you dont have to worry about swapping out gear until you’re 60 if they’re fully upgraded heirlooms. At 60 they scale all the way up to 148 if memory serves me.