Heirlooms Are Fine

I believe that you do have to reach 51 for the item level to bump up.

Heirlooms were great when they were first implemented; since then they have been nerfed into mediocrity.

Your mileage may vary.


Yes, they sure have.

Gone are the days where Heirlooms with the rings 50% across the board exp gain + 300% elixir exp gain = 1 to 120 in a couple hours :rofl:

Heirlooms are fine.

Not adding bracers, boots, gloves, belts and then gating rings to do WOD naval mission isnt.

Yep. Instead of just boosting/buffing the stats up some to make up for the xp nerf, they had to get all gimmicky with them, and add some lame set bonus rested xp bs lol. It’s fine, if you plan on leaving alts sitting in a inn for days, or weeks I guess, but believe most people make alts to play them, not leave them sitting for days, and weeks to build up some rested crap lol.

They aren’t worth the cost to get or upgrade


This is not correct. I see a variety of ilvls. Some are only 80. A few slots are 100. Some auction houses have no available gear for a 50. And some charge 3k gold per each piece.

To get a level 50 geared up to 85 or so you will need to have an auction house with a good supply of gear. Also you will need to get trinkets to upgrade, which are rare in BfA content now.

You must have empty slots then. My level 24’s heirloom gear is 29.

Sorry, I misspoke. My toons are currently between 40 and 51. I didn’t put heirloom on the 51 but I will fix that soon. The ilvl just seems low as I get up more towards 50, but I will check the actual value and post again.

No need to apologize, i understand!


I disagree, carry on!

Right at level 50, yes the heirlooms are slightly lower than other level 50 gear.
However, once you hit level 51, the heirlooms are ahead again and just keep getting aheader.
Take a look at my profile, the ilvl 132 Helm I got from doing a bonus objective in Maldraxxus, the ilvl 146 necklace is an heirloom. And all the heirlooms upgrade automatically when I level, unlike the ilvl 108 pants I’ve still got.
But you’ll have to do it soon because I’m pretty sure I’ll hit level 60 later today.
The 5000/7500 price to upgrade some of the pieces is trivial compared to the over 1,000,000 gold I’ve got in the bank. Even after spending hundreds of thousands on mounts and legendaries and things.
That’s mainly from just doing Covenant callings and selling random leftover junk on the auction house. I’m not even really trying to grind out gold.

I got the heirlooms updated for my plate toons.

at 51 they work just fine with a big jump.

neck, rings, trinkets are good for all classes, if not optimal.

double trinket gives a massive haste boost, too…

weird assumption. wrong but weird.

How odd. According to my calculations (I actually have a spreadsheet set up to calculate ilvl by slot), a level 24 with an heirloom in

  • helm
  • neck
  • shoulder
  • cloak
  • chest
  • legs
  • 2x trinket
  • weapon

and all other slots empty has an ilvl of 19.3.

do you account for variances i upgrades of ilvls?

You have unupgraded heirlooms at level 25? Why bother when quest gear is better?

kinda lame that they removed the 50% bonus battleground experience each from both the FFA arena trinkets

puts the time and effort into getting them to waste, it’d be an even bigger waste of effort if you tried to get them now

nah they were fine at the power levels and xp bonuses they provided when we bought them pre-borrowed power