Heirloom Changes Discussion

I like that they are exploring different adjustments to the heirloom gear but I agree with the majority that the changes are lackluster. I don’t mind that the actual XP bonuses are gone, though. Leveling speeds will be fine so there isn’t any reason to have XP boosts. I would like to see some things on the gear that assist the leveling process that we will have come Shadowlands. Life regen isn’t something WoW has needed in a very long time so I don’t really see a place for it. The level-up bonus isn’t super interesting to me. So, I’ll list a few ideas of what I believe might be neat:

  1. Teleport back to the main zone hub or your next leveling zone (would be cool to have icons on the map for TP locations or something)
  2. Teleport to the nearest flight path
  3. Killing an enemy increases your speed and damage by x% (with a cap)
  4. Extra treasure/gold from mobs
  5. Dungeon bosses drop an extra item
  6. Summon vendor to sell stuff
  7. Summon a goblin from Diablo 3 to loot mobs for you (lol)
  8. Leveling up damages all nearby mobs for moderate damage
  9. Mount instantly
  10. Change talents with a short cooldown
  11. Hearthstone cant be interrupted by damage (Obv not for war mode)
  12. Increased XP gained from herbing/mining?
  13. Faster corpse runs

Maybe the heirloom weapons could have some unique utility as well.


More primary stat = directly more damage and healing.

Yeah but thats a 2 minute buff that you’ll only get a certain number of times over your leveling experience. Also rip you if you decide to quest level, you’ll never proc it to be useful.


This guy is a pure genius.


One more thing, will RAF still have its xp bonus?
We really gotta stop this Blizz, Google probably hates me by now for all the dummy RAF emails I’ve made over the years. If you want me to pay for 50% xp buff just say so and put it on the store


I’m okay with the changes, but I had rather hoped they would change heirlooms into more of a legacy content buffing armour set. Though it could honestly be both.

I would be much happier if there were some benefits that only work in legacy loot mode dungeons and raids, such as:

*+75% movement speed boost for 12 seconds upon killing an enemy
*100 yard AoE taunt with a 30 second cooldown
*+30 movement speed baseline
*Increased AoE loot radius

Stuff like that, that would make farming old mogs more fun and more efficient. Maybe even a free bonus roll token for any possible raid that works once a week.

Anyway, this is fine, but I would love an expansion-agnostic armour set built around running old raids and dungeons, and this seemed like a good chance to implement it, so it’s a bit disappointing in that regard.


Which will increase in duration every time you kill something until it caps.

Every level yes, and then it ends at 50 or 60, whatever the maximum cap your heirlooms are. There is no reason for it to work at level 60. (It’s a leveling aid for a reason)

Quest leveling is better for maintaining the proc than dungeon leveling, as people mentioned earlier, majority of dings come from quest turn ins, and the most prominent example of that is in dungeons.

I like all of his suggestions but the problem is they are useful, which means players will want them at max level so either A) Everyone will make heirlooms/have heirlooms in their bags for those perks or B) People will QQ on the forums as to why they can’t have those perks.

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(4) Set: Gaining a level triggers Burst of Knowledge, dealing Holy damage to nearby enemies and granting you 40% primary stat for 2 minutes. Defeating additional enemies extends this effect, up to 2 additional minutes.

Pretty useless leveling aid.


40% primary stat is a hefty bonus, it’s basically a Crusader or Mongoose enchant on steroids.

Yeah for only 4 minutes maximum. I really can’t stress how useless that’s going to be. I suppose if it goes live the way it is, you’ll see for yourself.



Blizz really doesn’t like WoW veteran players. What a shame.

:cry: :cry: :cry:


Yeah? So use it until it’s gone, why waste it? Is that how you’re going to treat buffs that are given to you for free? No way, when I get Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer in retail WoW I’m gonna use that sh!t, same with this.

I didn’t buy my heirlooms to be powerful, I bought them to make my leveling process smoother. A random buff that I can hardly control that lasts for a minute amount of time is useless to me.


Powerful gear is a contributor to making leveling smoother, you can have absolutely no stat gear but the xp bonus and still struggle to level fast.

Hey Blizz…

I hope all those “new players” you are chasing come to replace the veteran WoW players you are trying to undermine.

Blizz is robbing paul to pay peter. Sad.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


#7’s Full auto-loot would be quite nice to have in game in some manner.

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I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. You’re the first person I’ve seen defending that set bonus.

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I’m not defending it I’m just saying you don’t realize how powerful a 40% primary stat bonus is.

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I’m having trouble understanding what the rested XP bonus is supposed to incentivize…not leveling your character? It seems like the bonus would be better suited to incentivize leveling if it increased the rate at which you accrue rested XP versus reducing consumption. Either way, their admittance that XP bonuses seem out of place, then this as the highest bonus reward strikes me as a little strange.

I’d really rather see something that benefits combat, not OOC or XP recovery. These all seem tailored to someone who levels primarily through slow paced questing and takes (days) long breaks between levels.

I typically do BGs and Dungeons almost exclusively and only run the odd quest whenever queues are long. The old heirlooms benefited that play style as well as the type that usually focus on questing. These seem much less versatile, the only bonus that seems beneficial to my chosen path is the 4 pc.

Additionally they haven’t discussed what happens to the battle master trinkets which were a pretty lengthy grind and we’re massively beneficial when leveling through BGs.

I know these are preliminary, so there is still hope. There is definitely the seed of a cool idea in the 4 pc. Hopefully that grows into something much more interactive and fun, like massacre bonuses in D3. As someone pointed out already I don’t think it being focused on leveling is very rewarding as that will only ever happen 40-50 times total.