Heirloom Changes Discussion

I took a wait and see approach to this, wanting to see what they came up with. Seeing what they’ve done, it appears that they’re unwilling to replace the exp bonus with anything of equal value, for whatever reason. Unfortunately, they won’t just issue refunds either (for obvious reasons), so maybe just get rid of them and throw people a bone - transmog tokens, a mount, or something else interesting, and be done with it.

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I’ve posted how I feel of the bonus’s earlier. Though an alternative to the set bonus, or if they wish to keep them weak as they are. Give us a full set. Bracers, gloves, boots, belt. It would at least help offset the weaker set bonus, while allowing players who want to enchant the remaining gear pieces to do as they wish. At this point, I’d almost prefer the full set with enchants, vs the set bonuses they’ve given. The only decent set bonus is the 4 set for most players, and even then it’s fairly limited in power with it’s current duration.


My two cents as well. I’d like bonuses to be useful all the time, instead of when you have rested xp or just after you dinged. On the other hand I don’t want things too convenient so that when I hit level cap and heirlooms stop working I will feel worse.

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Can they seriously buff the darned stats?

Like that should have been the first thing they did…


BlizZard…taking something away and then gating it as if it is something brand new. Sad. :slightly_frowning_face:


If these are the final choices i want my gold back. i spent a lot of money on upgrades or at least make a rework to add versatility, mastery and whatever status you are going to add in SL.


I’m intentionally avoiding news on SL to keep it interesting when it gets here; but this was one of the things spoiled, and I just want to say I’m hoping that heirlooms outmatch other gear of the same level, and effectively “twink” characters wearing most of it.

The amount of effort and gold that goes into getting these items along with the loss of their main feature, demands this, IMO.

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Well, at least the heirloom bonuses are not as horrible as +5% swim speed…

Blizz fix heirlooms yet?

All they need to do is increases the stats up until level 50 and half their issue goes away…


Geez, movement speed would have been better.

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Swim speed lol


Haha exactly. Gee thanks Gizzard. That increased swim speed sure comes in handy considering 99% of content takes place on land. Don’t do us anymore favors :rofl: Just increase the stats on looms 5, or 10%, and call it a day, and quit with the stupid gimmicks.


…and the parts that don’t are better traversed with a mount using the water walking equipment. At least, that’s the equipment I use.


At this point, I’m not at all hopeful that they will change the heirloom bonuses to anything but what they initially announced. :neutral_face:

Then keep requesting it.

Folk should be submitting suggestions in game and throwing messages at them on Twitter.

Heirlooms are useless.

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I have seen a lot of good suggestions since they announced this change. Sadly, I feel like they were either not heard, or not considered.

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Blizzard needs to hear their players more.

People spent a lot of gold or other currencies and possibly actual money on these Heirlooms. They have every right to want a say in how they change… especially if that change makes them practically useless.

And honestly… a simple stat increase would make them objectively worth it… even if they kept these somewhat lack luster set bonus’.

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My biggest issue with this is the gladiator trinkets. Those now have very little value and took hours to farm. Of all the heirlooms they should retain their bonus for giving extra XP in battlegrounds - as that is why people obtained them. Not for their effects.

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The heirlooms as stands in Beta are worse then the green drops I get off of random mobs after level 30. The set bonus are okay, but not worth the stats I can get off that piece of armour I got from killing random wolf.

The scaling of heirloom armour, should at least match blue quest items, and it’s not doing that right now.

I used to get a blue quest item, and struggle whether it was worth it to take my heirloom off for a few until I out leveled the quest item.

Now a murloc drops a pair of pants and good bye heirloom, I could use that +6 to armour, +7 to agility, and + 5 to strength -more then what I currently have with heirlooms.

I am not saying bring back the 10% xp bonus. I just want them to scale like they are worth something.


They want to make the rested experience benefits to be out weighed by gimping you. The net result is you don’t actually level any faster anyway even with the new bonuses.