Heirloom Changes Discussion

Honestly it would suprise me if they legit couldn’t think of a good idea and just threw this bad one out there to gage the community reaction to it and then take one of the better ideas they see people posting right now to change it.

These are just laughably bad. Where is blizzards ingenuity? Heirlooms should be interact with leveling in a fun way that decreases leveling time slightly through utility and quality of life improvements. Run speed on kill, lowering hearthstone cooldown. Timed flight form on a cooldown etc

The logic behind these dont even make sense

You take out increased xp gain for a reason, then just put a worse one in, why? If they needed some ideas why not make a forum post to fish for some?


They are so bad it’s funny, but what is funnier is people thinking they will have their gold refunded. :rofl: come on, you know that’ll never happen.

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I’ve said it in another thread and I’ll say it here:

Considering the attention they are paying to the leveling process, I’m willing to bet they are going to use this new process to retool old encounters to make them more challenging in the future.

I suspect it won’t happen right away, but once they have some solid numbers on what people are doing and how fast they are killing things, I see them slowly tweaking those numbers upwards to make them harder than they are currently.

To a minor degree, this is already happening. In Warlords, old raids were literally just a one shot for bosses if you were at least 10 levels higher than the raid. This is no longer the case. You can still one shot them at max level if you have good enough gear, sure, but if you’re just 10-20 levels higher than the raid, some of the fights can be pretty challenging, and some can be downright impossible with the damage the bosses put out. I noticed this when they did the first stat squish and reported it as a bug, but it seems they’ve doubled down on it, because it got even worse with the second stat squish.

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A quick suggestion: with each of the set bonuses also have “Heirloom items may be transmogged as ANY class-compatible item, in your collection or not, as long as your character is below level X”.

Let X increase as the set bonuses do.

Fun while leveling, a great benefit for the RP community.

Everything about the changes to Heirlooms is complete garbage.


My expectations were low for Blizzard but good LORD. These set bonuses aren’t even worth 10k, let alone 500k or more.


I’m so damn annoyed I can’t reply to that blue post because I’m not in the beta… I know they don’t read us but I’m really angry about these bonuses. They’re close to useless.

Why remove the XP bonuses? They want veteran players to level from 0 once again? How many times exactly?
Because as far as I know, and as the blue said, these bonuses were to aid people who already leveled a character and wants to spend less time leveling the next time.

They should have just restricted the amount of alts you need at max level before the XP bonuses were applied again. To like 3 or 4.

A percentual reduction based on the level squish would also have been acceptable.

This change seems to be aimed not to the fact it feels “awkward” to level, but because people are not buying enough boosts on their precious allied races.


Yeah, more than the lackluster set bonuses even, the fact that the thread about these changes was put into a forum restricted to beta users was such a slap in the face. If you want to even make the appearance that you are concerned with the current subscription base’s concerns regarding heirlooms, locking it behind a forum that the majority of the players have no access to post in certainly is not the way to do so.


I don’t think the heirloom bonuses should step on the toes of what other classes bring to the table. Stealth is really nice to have but that would water down the unique ability of another class. I know we have the mount equipment as well that already has the capability of water walking and daze immunity (as long as you aren’t flying). I’m personally not a fan of that particular system at all really save for the daze immunity.

To be honest, if they remove the mount system and worked that into heirloom utility that would be fine in my eyes, and people who earned the strider could have the advantage they worked for with water walking. Then they could free up space for a new/improved mount system that isn’t so lame much like Guild Wars or some similar improvement.

I think a separation in players with/without heirlooms is important in some ways. Heirloom gear is kind of a show of your veteran status and is really the only vet bonus WoW has ever implemented. I wouldn’t want to give my “buffs” to a new player in my group and I know that sounds selfish, but it’s a personal preference I guess. What I would consider is a bonus gained by being grouped with another heirloom geared player but nothing to the effect of power gain. Maybe just extra gold or something idk

It’s nice for new players to see a veteran of the game and it inspires them to level and get some cool stuff, you know?

Aside from any buff changes, I wouldn’t mind a character-outline glow effect—possibly a glow related to character class color—where the glow strength depends on number of heirloom equipped. I don’t want something like the corruption effect that interferes with seeing your characters equipment but, instead, something like weapon enchant effects, which we have been sorely not getting new visual effects on for while now.

Yup, this ^

Each piece that granted 10% & 5% XP should now grant 10% & 5% extra gold… or extra reputation… problem solved. They could also give players a choice and let them select if they want the heirlooms to give extra gold or reputation bonus. I’d like it if there was some way to change between the two options as needed/desired.

Right? We remove experience % bonus because we think it ruins the experience/you level too fast…Heres a level boost to cap for $60 :slight_smile: Pathetic


40% main stat seems pretty good to me :man_shrugging:

It lasts 4 minutes.

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I’m actually pretty happy with most of the bonuses, but I agree that the rested bonuses encourage downtime over active play.

As an alternative instead of lowering Rested decay rate, we could achieve a similar effect by allowing 30/60% of Rested XP’s bonus to remain active once Rested has depleted. This would speed up leveling for active players without the downtime.

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Honestly, why does anyone care if they’re “too powerful” for questing? Disable them in PvP. The goal should be to make things fun and more interesting for people that have already gone through this many times and have heirlooms.


I’m honestly more upset because I feel like this directly contradicts the explanation given. We were told they were removing EXP bonuses. I’m fine with that.

But then two of the new bonuses are indirect EXP bonuses that promote specific playstyles?

I was hoping for fun or unique bonuses that make leveling more enjoyable/give some QoL- things that, as the dev’s said in the initial announcement are “as useful as the exp was”.

To me re-using some of the Legion legendary effects, or some of the azerite traints would be a great thing. Or some of the specifically mentioned “useful to leveling” things: reduced hearth CD, alternate hearth location, speed boosts, etc.


One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned that I’d hoped for was removing the min-level requirement on the Garrosh/Archimonde looms.