Hearthstone event

So now that everybody looted everything from said event…
It wasnt that bad at all… Hope you all calmed down and enjoy your rewards.

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Just because it became ok once they implemented multiple fixes and extended the event doesn’t mean that the launch disaster didn’t happen.

It was was bad. In fact, it was a horrible broken mess for the first few days.


I enjoyed farming it in less than twenty-four hours; definitely could’ve been worse but also could’ve been better. Not excited to see what comes out Tuesday though…


For sure. If they can’t even get the recycled D4 launch cross-over event right the second time around there definitely is no expectation that the untested patch is going to be playable.

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The stormwind event has gone absolutely nuts on my server. There were two of each of the bosses… and hundreds of bomb bots. Hope it resets because as soon as I get any kind of aggro I get the big bomb circle around me and just get constantly dazed.

Edit: Pic


Or it meant OP had patience and let the dummy impatients suffer it first. Since they’re the ones who are going “NOW NOW NOW!!” on the forums

They’re the same people rushing to get their hands on the first PS5 or latest iPhone and they get a defective one and blame Sony/Nintendo instead

When they could have waited till demand died off and then get theirs easily

Is expecting game events to be functional on launch really impatience?

I guess to be fair, Blizzard has set the bar so low that no reasonable person should expect anything they do to actual work for a few days. We should have learned that by now, but Blizz has repeatedly shown that things can always get worse.

Blizz also contributed to that mindset by making it a week long FOMO event with RNG drops and unknown drop rates. Players are incentivized not to wait.


Kinda yeah? All these midnight/global launches blizzard did for the expansions you should have had patience instead of trying to rush on that boat/Zeppelin

At first I thought war within early access was a gimmick but now I’m thinking about it, it seems a blessing for anyone wanting to avoid the crowd

Let the rushing Andy’s suffer that at the Monday/midnight Tuesday launch, they’re not paying $100 for a expansion, anyone else willing to pay $100 will most likely have a smooth launch

As the baseball announcers used to say after a relief pitcher loaded the bases before getting a deep fly ball 3rd out … “It was never in doubt”

How to farm multiple locations:

Step 1: log in your main account
Step 2: make a trial account with your battle net
Step 3 (optional): turn your trial account into a one time month $15 sub account to make an another trial account. Repeat if you want more accounts
Step 4: wait for Dr boom
Step 5: find Dr boom
Step 6: use your 2 (or more if you’re willing to spend) characters you logged in to kill and loot Dr boom

Congratulations you have significantly lowered your farming time

I never had a bag drop after probably 80-90 attempts. I gave up and paid gold in a raid group for it. It was a mess and was soooo buggy not sure how they released this event as it was

You shouldn’t assume everyone is done because for example I just started yesterday and got nothing but the green cards you flip at the table and the grey vendor trash, then this morning I got the bag which I didn’t want I want the mount or the pet so it’s still meh to me until I see those.


I still haven’t received the pet… Figures since it is actually the thing I wanted most.

I didn’t even bother, but some people enjoy it.

Every time they implement one of these events, they have to apply the same fixes to make it worthwhile. I wish they would just keep a sticky on the white board to add the “fixes” before it goes live.


For real?

Oh my gosh, I have 7 or 8 on an alt I’m trying to get the bag on - sorry for your luck - I mean that.


Holy cow, that’s crazy. I guess they haven’t fixed all of the problems yet

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It was me and another druid, but that daze effect was just too much. I wasn’t out of one when it started another… I ended up dying to it.

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Thanks. Still trying for the bag on three alts so maybe it will drop.

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