Hearthstone event

Nope. There are still no bags at all for any character of mine.

Seems to be a common problem with the people still participating also saying things like: “The bag doesn’t even exist.


No still haven’t got the bag on my main not even getting Sarge duplicates anymore.

Just hang around after, people can’t give these things away… event is still on until March 22~!

Bag was/is still terrible.
Event overall is ok if you farm for 20 kills ±.

Not…going to lie and…hey not trying to offend but those steps almost sound like multi boxing which I could of sworn was a bannable offense these days

no bag drop after 20+ kills of the boss is yeah quite god awful honestly. More so when you keep getting the pet you don’t want or need for several kills in a row instead

Only if automated. Nothing prevents you from multiboxing if you manually activate all abilities.

I was doubtful about doing the event.
A friend asked me to do it with her so i figured “okay.”

1st kill she gets the Mount, the Bag, and the hearthstone.
I get … wild cards… sigh

but we stuck it out and ended up getting a lot of the things.

This was recently after they buffed the drops

Looted everything? I got a hat. And lots of bent cards.

This step is unnecessary. You don’t need to start a sub to make a second trial account. The only limitation is 8 WoW accounts to one Bnet account. So if you have one regular account, you can make 7 more trials without subbing on any of them.

You mean after they hotfixed it several times to make it significantly less tedious to do?