Hearthstone Animation Missing

Whenever I use my hearthstone, characters just stand still while the cast is going.

I am able to complete the cast and leave, but there is not animation while this is happening.

Doesn’t seem to happen with other casts / channeled spells.

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I’m experiencing this as well but only on my Goblin character. On top of not having the hearth animations, I don’t see one for harvesting a mining node.

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is there any update on this? i also have this problem on my undead rogue. worked hard to get that hallow’s end hearthstone only to have this problem

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This has started happening for me on my melee characters since prepatch.

Animations are normal until after my first combat encounter. Afterwards the character will not do the hearth or mining animation.

The only thing that fixes it is to log out and back in.

Disabling all addons does not fix the issue.

yeah i hope blizz fixes this soon. i worked hard to get that Hallow’s End hearthstone only to have this problem

To add deleting my Cache, WTF and Interface folders did not fix the problem.

I’m seeing this issue too, even when I relog it comes back soon. It’s only on my vulpera rogue character though (leveling through Zandalar).

Having the same issue - looks like it may be a rogue only thing. Hearthstone as well as any other animations outside of combat (mining, disenchanting, lockpicking etc.) completely stop. Issue continues even after following instructions in this link:

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Yeah I’m having this same issue on my rogue. Is there any progress on this?

Throughout all of leveling its had no animation for me but I only actually noticed it today at 50 lol, has there been any kind of updates from Blizzard yet?
Also do any other outlaw rouges keep getting stuck in a constant pistol shot animation?

Having this issue now on my Demon hunter. Still no fix for it?


Mine was fine until recently… now it’s a total dude.

I have the same issue with a lvl 53 demon Hunter no animation …
Mining Skinning, heartstone just standing there

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Bump - this is happening to me as well.

All hearthstone animations will not work for my DH. I have tried many, many things and it has been happening for a couple months, now. Why is there no response for this?


I would like to add that my Orc Hunter is having this issue and has been for weeks. Didn’t bother me at first but I have all these hearthstone toys that I’ve collected, but none of the animations work for any of them. Even the Dalaran and Garrison hearthstone animations don’t work.

Hey all, I realise its late for this but I managed to fix this by disabling all addons then logging in and trying it. My hearthstone animation worked, then when i relogged and enabled all my addons it started working fine.

Just thought i’d offer what worked for me, coz it was really frickin annoying the hell out of me and i couldnt find a solution.

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Bumping - this is still a problem over a year later. My Demon Hunters hearthstone animation will not work after I have been playing it. If I log out and back in, animation works fine, do a dungeon or something and it breaks again.

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New demon hunter. Hearthstones animations break for me. Relogging does not fix it.

For over a year now my DH doesn’t see Hearthstone animations, but all my other characters do. It also seems to be whenever I’m leaving a raid or dungeon. I just dropped group and walked out of the instance and suddenly animations started working. Maybe something to do with being grouped or in instances reduces animations? (I have everything on ultra though)

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