Hearth of Azeroth Level Cap?

I think you’re the one missing the point. Gold can be gathered literally everywhere. WQs already have gold rewards, emissaries already have gold rewards. If you need more of it, you can always roll another toon to further double-dip on the rewards that are already in place. Gold (and profession reagents) have so little value at this point in the game that theyre not even worth going after, since they come to you without even going out of your way. AP also comes to you without having to go out of your way, but at least AP provides a tangible increase to your characters power that cant be made up by anything else. Theres no reason at all to eliminate AP just to double down on more gold thats already offered as a reward in the first place.

Yeah, i can also get gold selling grey items from mobs, but it just wont be an effective method. AP is already going to be replaced next expansion because people dont liked that form of infinite progression.

Idealy you should have an option of getting a chest or something of the sorts that you could chose which of the 3 rewards you want from an world quest that is not gear (if you want gold, resources or azerite as an example of how it would work right now).

Azerite same as artifact power at the start of the expansion was a considerable progression (even if im already tired of that infinite grind aswell) but right now its just a diablo like paragon that give a very minor and boring power boost and for a lot of work.

We are gonna have to agree on disagreeing on the matter of azerite having more long term value than gold or other resources that have a lot more versatility on their usages and will probably outlast their current expansions.

Ion said that there’s no more unending AP grind and the Heart will be capped on level 80 so you better believe him.

cap as in soft cap not hard cap.