Hearth of Azeroth Level Cap?

Again, I guess it’s a matter of preference (gold vs azerite) & I’m probably in the minority here lol.

Whichever route they go, Blizz can never make everybody happy.

I’d say it’s a matter of infinite progression and an endgame that forces you to grind endlessly for more levels to stay relevant rather then gold. There’s already too many things that we need to grind endlessly for power at 120. The necklace should cap for the sake of balance.

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They removed the gold thing, on purpose, before I got to it (the extra AP turning into gold.)

So I can’t see them ever putting it back.

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is this the frustration of starting something you know you will never finish?

Not really, just the frustration of keeping getting pointless azerite when we could be making some gold out of it.

Im pretty sure VOP is the only one that caps at 84.
My other essences continue to increase in strength

Paragons are the way to make a little extra gold for all those WQs you mentioned. And even more so with the current “Impressive Influence” or whatever rep buff is called. You can knock out multiple paragons per week right now with that buff, coming out about the same if not more than if AP emissaries and bonus rolls were converted to gold (since you’re limited to 5 bonus rolls at a time and emissaries are RNG).

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The secondaries go up too. It’s very very tiny but still character power progression~

Paragons are very long term gold making. Its a nice bonus but its not like you are being rewarded by the time invested. It is a bit better with the current rep bonus but it will be over in less than a month and we will go back to normality.

And its really not as much gold as you could make with the azerite to gold conversion even considering the rep bonus.

Only AP emissaries and bonus rolls changed to gold in 8.2. Maybe you’re thinking every single scrap of AP would convert to gold, but that’s not how it happened before and unlikely it would happen now if they decided to cap the Heart.

In which case, you’d have to be extremely lucky to get multiple AP emissaries in a given week, and have every bonus roll reward AP to gold for that to overtake what you’d make in Paragons, even without this buff.

Paragons are average ~3800g each … thats almost 2x AP emissaries or bonus rolls on the conversion scale from 8.2.

Not really, every world quest that rewarded AP was giving some ammount of gold by that time. Wasnt that much individualy, but you had a lot more gold quests avaliable to do. And the advantage of a gold emissary is that you can do it with multiple characters, while paragon you need for it to be exalted and hit the 10k rep for the gold to drop.
And i had forgotten about the bonus rolls, thanks for mentioning, even more possible gold that we are missing.

I have a couple of toons with level 80 necks but I haven’t fully unlocked them because they don’t have a fourth essence.

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I got a couple of extras for the fourth essences I actually dreaded the moment 75 part unlocked cuz I was like… Maaaan… now I got to get the bis 4th Essence :weary:

It’s not that I mind the essences are easy to get… but I guess since everything involving HoA is so arbitrary and it levels so quickly it’s hard to really get excited about it.

I kinda have to agree with Zaria. What do I want more gold for? I already have more than I’ll ever spend. Further HoA levels may be pretty insignificant, but at least those few extra stats actually do something for my character.

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Well, most people dont have that much, some even struggle with repair bills and having more variety in the viable ways you can acquire gold would help with that. Also some people like me have long term goals like the brontossaur mount or want to buy wow tokens for a variety of reasons.
To me the very minor gain of power is not worth in comparison, just looks like an infinite progression just for the sake of progression.

A good example of a meaningful power progression in my opinion is the new sockets you can apply to gear with mementos, you take some time to acquire them but you can have a choice in which stats you want (more customization), will have long term value, especially if you want to gem off spec sets and helps the economy by increasing the value of gems. Azerite just seems bland and not as versatile in comparison.

most likely because its easy to lvl do all WQ do all LFR do mythics etc etc

I read that as Homeowners Association. LOL

Can’t have us making easy gold now. :frowning:

My HOA takes my gold :frowning:

But gold is already super easy to get. It gets exponentially easier with the number of alts you have. If you need more gold income, the easiest way to aliviate that is to simply roll another toon. (And I say this as someone who only plays one character)

You are kind of missing the point. Just like we have more variety in the ways we can acquire gear today in comparison to older expansions, i believe the same could be applied to gold. It helps avoiding fatigue of just using current methods and its nice to get gold for the time you invest in activities like world quests.

If not gold other currency type like blood of sargeras/spirits from draenor or pandaria that you could trade for profession reagents.

Any of those would be better and have more value than the current azerite/war resources we have right now.