Hearth of Azeroth Level Cap?

So, do we have any idea if Blizzard is gonna put a level cap on the necklace or an overload like they did with artifacts on the pre-patch ?

I feel like all this extra azerite im getting is pointless and i would be much more motivated to do world quests and emissarys it it was replaced with gold like we had previously in this expansion so we could have another viable option for goldmaking.

What are your thoughts on this topic ?


There is no level cap. New ranks increase the efficacy of some essences.

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This guy’s heart of Azeroth is level 98

Source: https://www.wowprogress.com/artifact_power/

Get to it! You’re not even close to cap yet

Only up to a certain point. Once you hit neck level 84, the efficacy stops increasing.

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What an absolute madman lol.

Aye, then it’s just a sad +2 ilvls. Kinda useless since you can just breathe to get to level 84.

He does have the insane title for a reason

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…but. But why?

My HoA is gonna reach level 80 probably today and I haven’t even been trying or wanting to level up my neck… :confused:

I’m in the OPs shoes as it really isn’t that big a deal to me - I think I’d like more coalescing visions than more Azerite power… or more conquest points for pvp than Azerite power… or chance of getting two item caches instead of one… my Neck just doesn’t feel like a big deal to me.

I could see somebody challenging themselves to reach 100, maybe?

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It would be a rather unique milestone I suppose :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, im aware of the very minor benefits that we get, but is it really worth it when they could just set a cap already and allow us to have access to better rewards like gold that have long term viability ?

I mean, azerite will be useless in a couple months but gold will still have value for almost every aspect of the game.

I’d be happy if they just did a quest to overload the necklace with azerite or something like that if you were past a certain level so that we could again start making some profit out of it.

I’d much prefer getting items or gold at this point :confused: whenever I complete a daily, world quest or hell even open a treasure chest… all I get is Azerite power and War resources for the war campaign stuff I never do. :confused:


Honestly, I think this is what they wanted to avoid. Pumping more gold into the economy without also adding things to remove it causes long-term problems in the future.

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I would agree with you if we were in the garrison/order hall scenario. But the problem with those systems was that it was just too much passive gold with very little work to upkeep.

What im suggesting and even advocating a bit is that they allow for more possible ways to make some gold while still putting some effort/time into it.

Like, if you want to spend some time of your day doing world quests/emissaries that reward a reasonable amount of gold as your way of farming you should be able.

I don’t disagree with you, but honestly that just seems like a band-aid hastily slapped over the real problem – professions at endgame pump out only BoP items, which has neutered professions that aren’t focused on gathering.

At this point, the only people getting anything out of crafted items long-term are enchanters, and that’s not so much the value of the items themselves as it is the materials they represent.

When there’s no reason to move crafted goods, things tend not to move as much, and prices fall along with material consumption rates.

My main is at 91. I have 3 alts at 87 and another at 86. I hated when they placed a cap the last 2 or 3 times (including back in Legion) .

For me it had the exact opposite effect - I didn’t feel like doing ANY world quests and emissaries at all when they placed a cap for artifact / azerite.

I’m pleased there isn’t a cap this time around. I understand there are many people who feels differently, and rather want gold rewards, but I enjoy reaching the next level every time, even if it’s only 2 ilvls and some stat gain - it makes me feel I’ve progressed my character, even if it’s just a little.


I dont mean this to be a solution for long term game economy as much as an alternative way to acquire gold other than the ones that we currently have.

Profession balancing is a complicated issue that blizzard doesn’t seem to have a clear way to fix. But thats an entirely diferent beast and i dont really see how what im suggesting would make it worse than it already is.

i understand that and it is a valid way of character progression but what im wondering is if it is really worth such a minor mostly unnoticable upgrade for that ammount of daily/weekly work when we could be gaining currencys with more longevity like gold, especially when we are at the end of the expansion and know that all this azerite we are acquiring will be useless in a few months.

I guess it’s just a matter of preference.

For me, the amount of gold rewards for each single world quests, nor the 2k gold emissary rewards are not enough to make me motivated to do them.

When I compare the HoA of my main and lowest alt, I have this 10 ilvl difference plus some stat gains, and I rather prefer that over getting some extra gold.

I am fully aware of that… but then again, most of our purple epic gear are going to be replaced with quest greens every time we get a new expansion anyway, so the fact that our HoA will be useless doesn’t bother me all that much.

Which is why they would be increased with the capping of the neck like we had before the Azshara patch if i recall correctly where every azerite quest/emisary would give you gold instead and you could actualy make a reasonable ammount just by doing them daily.

To me gear is on another level. You can use it for power boost but also transmog, sell it, disenchant, even scrap for materials now.

Azerite sole purpose right now is for very minor power upgrades with high time investment.