Heart of Azeroth necklace not account wide?

This effectively cut me out from running my preferred content through both legion and bfa (granted legion was more due to my own schedule).

Here is the thing I don’t understand perhaps you could enlighten me though I know your hands are tied on what you can reveal. Why is it that if a system isn’t working and you know it isn’t working is it allowed to continue?

I would kind of like a reason why it is that players are just expected to accept a sub optimal play experience until they quit. Is it simply the case that casual mythic raiders were such a small minority that you felt no need to properly correct the system?

I will freely admit that I don’t think you could ever revert the live game into a casual friendly game like tbc where you could just log in for a few hours a week but I would like to know why this grind or die mentally has been pushed since MoP really with bonus rolls (before we found out about weak instant respawning mobs we could aoe down for coins).

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What…?.. :rofl: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob::sob: :sob::sob: :sob: Go to social media and make a poll and see what players “really” want and you be surprised. :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: I can’t, ya’ll making this :tea: much more satisfying per post :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob::sob:

My point was that if you stopped playing the game and then came back half a year from now, you’d get that necklace up to possibly 50+ without any effort whatsoever.

Because it’s already baked into every part of this expansion, and removing the system would be akin to redoing the expansion from the ground up, midway through. There’s only so much they can do to ameliorate the situation, but completely removing the poorly-thought-out system at this point would effectively kill the expansion. Might as well just WoD it, and move all resources to whatever comes next.

This isn’t true though. You could completely remove artifact power and nothing about the game would change save for having all traits immediately and that is something you can balance around or at least you can till they just let the raid hit on the 22 with mythic raid teams in full mythic azerite gear because they didn’t have the foresight to see how loot trading destroyed their system.

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Hopefully the point has been driven home by now.
The Azerite system is bad. Please do not make anything that errors similarly in the future. Make fun things that people actually want to play with, please.

  • Unlocking traits one week just to upgrade your shoulders and lose them is stupid.
  • Levelups without any corresponding unlock mid progress through the system(E.g. level 16> level 17) is flawed and should not happen in a post max level progression system.
  • Don’t tie your post max level progression system to gear. For a player with 340 armor the azerite system reaches a comically short end point long before the player with 355 or 385 armor. That should not happen in a post max level progression system.
  • Specs pecific things like the talent trees work. You reach level 100 and unlock the row. The row is often different for each of your specs but more importantly each specs gets it’s own choice. This works. Trait specific things like the Azerite gear, where you reach level 16 unlock a spec specific trait and now all of a sudden the gear doesn’t function outside that one spec. If you chose Resto traits on your gear but decide you want to play anything other than Resto… your SOL. You don’t get functional Azerite traits. Enjoy. :smirk:

Look… it isn’t insane to want all the traits on your new gear to be functional, just like all the traits on your old gear were functional.
This Azerite system is just poorly designed.

Dazar’Alor gear is pretty abhorrent starting traits at 15 and ending at 40… for normal. So, so many gaps in a set of 385 Dazar’Alor gear that result in levelups but no trait unlocks.

Click for: A visual representation of this nonsense

Level 15 you get an unlock!!!
Level 16 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 17 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 18 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 19 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 20 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 21 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 22 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 23 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 24 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 25 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 26 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 27 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 28 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 29 you get an unlock!!!
Level 30 you get an unlock!!!
Level 31 you get an unlock!!!
Level 32 you get an unlock!!!
Level 33 you get an unlock!!!
Level 34 you get an unlock!!!
Level 35 you get an unlock!!!
Level 36 you get an unlock!!!
Level 37 you get an unlock!!!
Level 38 you get an unlock!!!
Level 39 you get an unlock!!!
Level 40 you get an unlock!!!
Level 41 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 42 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 43 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 44 you don’t get an unlock.

The Azerite system has just 13 (poorly positioned) levels and then poof. Nada. Unless you have gear that corresponds to a higher Azerite level. That is The End of the system next patch. Not to mention the issues when you remove a piece of gear from this chain. Remove 385 shoulders and substitute them for 400ilvl shoulder and (if you can believe it) even more gaps are formed!

385 shoulders unlock traits at 15, 31, 34, 37, 40.
400 shoulders unlock traits at 15, 32, 36, 40, 44.

Your Azerite system now has just 11 levels!!

Level 15 you get an unlock!!!
Level 16 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 17 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 18 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 19 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 20 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 21 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 22 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 23 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 24 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 25 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 26 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 27 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 28 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 29 you get an unlock!!!
Level 30 you get an unlock!!!
Level 31 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 32 you get an unlock!!!
Level 33 you get an unlock!!!
Level 34 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 35 you get an unlock!!!
Level 36 you get an unlock!!!
Level 37 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 38 you get an unlock!!!
Level 39 you get an unlock!!!
Level 40 you get an unlock!!!
Level 41 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 42 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 43 you don’t get an unlock.
Level 44 you get an unlock!!!

Poor design. The Azerite system is The WoD Garrison of BFA. An unrecoverable critical flaw.


I mean…there are plenty of issues in BfA but I don’t feel like this is one of them. The way Artifact Knowledge works is pretty damn good. If you were trying to play multiple characters on the cutting edge of everything? I guess that might suck.

I hit max level on an alt 3 weeks ago. I haven’t done any islands, I haven’t raided. Just done a bit of M+, incursions, and world quests. I’m level 30 on my heart.

Now, it 100% is going to suck when the new raid opens and all of our characters lose access to traits we’ve been using for a few months. Since the paused AK it’s going to take several weeks for that to catch up as well to the new levels. That part sucks, regrinding traits sucks. The AP system is pretty good though, IMO.

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What? Mythic 415 ilvl will have at worst (shoulders) traits at 15, 33, 38, 43, and 48. Lets not be stupid and consider 48, because a 5 ilvl jump is minimal and pretty much unreachable without absolutely absurd levels of AP. You can easily reach level 38 by the time mythic comes out by doing weekly island expeditions, emissary stuff and paragon caches. On top of that, unless you are a world first racing guild, the trait at 43 isn’t a huge deal right off the bat. So at worst we are looking at needing to get back a few traits, and honestly without the need to grind out SOMETHING it would feel even WORSE to be like “Oh, my neck is now level 58 and I don’t need AP for literally anything ever”. I agree it can feel bad to claim back traits we used to have, but 15 levels is a huge exaggeration of how much you’d really need to care about. Plus you get the artifact knowledge boost turned back on to make those levels more natural again

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Possibly, and that’s something Ion hinted at during the Q&A.

My other guess would be hubris doesn’t allow them to admit Azerite is broken and useless.

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The Azerite system is almost similar to the set bonus system they said they took out because players were holding onto loot they couldn’t equip because of the set bonuses. Months and Months after they added the same crap into the game. Most of the abilities in the Azerite tree are weak/boring while others are good, and usually those are weaker level pieces. So now, ONCE AGAIN, you have to sit there in your bag and choose whether you want a high item level piece with crappy traits, or keep the low level one until RNG gets you a better higher level piece. On top f that, you lose cool abilities that you “enjoy” for newer ones that are meh. They didn’t change anything really :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :rofl: :rofl: I can’t.

I mean, maybe. Most people I know are in the 28-30 range. Sure we are fairly casual, but that doesn’t make losing traits feel any better. I want goals to work for too, but the Azerite trait thing feels extremely unrewarding for it.

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It’s better than Legion’s system, which discouraged me from even considering playing an alt. I have had no trouble in leveling up 4 characters to 120 and getting decent gear. My warlock has never done a mythic dungeon or normal/heroic/mythic raid and I’m only 7 ilvls behind my hunter that has done all of those things except for mythic raids. My DH isn’t far behind either and my just hit 120 druid is very quickly catching up. By the next raid I should have 4 characters at around 370 ilvl so I can have options. And all my toons have awesome transmogs (thanks to Marks of Honor and Legion artifacts) and mounts. Frankly, I’ve never had it so good in WoW . . .


The system was the same. They did the same exact thing like last time holding players back to progressing with ridiculous amount of points and not scaling it till later. I don’t really see a difference.

I agree here. I feel that the trait system was built with progression in mind to be similar to the legion artifacts but work on some of the old tier slot gear to make raiding not the only source of good gear. However this ended up with a piece of gear needing more AP to unlock traits and feels bad to have to weigh a piece we can use 2 traits on vs 4 or 5 until we get more AP. The legion AP system was better simply because you kept traits, so even though AP plateaued like now, it didn’t feel strange because we could naturally see an end, and then an extension was added on (traits 34-53, legionfall unlock and then concordance stacking). Which I think is how they are going to head in future patches, or so they mentioned considering putting traits on the neck so we don’t feel this loss of traits.

I don’t know if it’s been mentioned.

However the Item level upgrades you get for hitting Friendly, Honored, and Revered with the Champions of Azeroth -is- Account wide, including across factions.

let this man rant … why are the forum police quick to shut down the guy? Opera, if u angry and you rant online ok, as long as u dont do anything to anyone in person , all good in my eyes… online discussion never hurt anyone

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Well it was the same way with Legion and artifact weapons, not sure why you thought it would be any different with HoA.

The trait differences actually are level by level. It is just on different pieces, so helm, chest, then shoulders get a new trait every level. The very outermost ring gets a far lower trait to ensure newer characters with under-leveled necks will absolutely have no problems equipping them and using the most powerful trait. so for example on normal 385 Dazar’alor gear Helm has a trait at 29, chest at 30, shoulders 31, helm 32, chest 33, shoulders 34, helm 35, chest 36, shoulders 37, helm 38, chest 39, shoulders 40. That is level by level unlocks, which does get separated out more into gaps if you have normal, heroic, and mythic pieces. But each difficulty has its own flow, but not everyone will have 3 from the same difficulty right away which can lead to those gaps.

This does not mean the system is perfect, but I wanted to point out their intention was to have those constant increases by level

agreed. i think people got “offended” because you said the blizz employee has trolled in other threads. people LOVE their blues…

anyways, i do think blizz employees post in useless, “fun” threads that leaves much to be desired… anytime they post with their opinions of game or general direction of game, its a nice change to see, which i think was what you mean.

you just say your mind, rather, what a lot of people think, in ways that are “offending”

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What… :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: