hugs Qamaits and wiggles toes
Don’t be disturbing. We can be friends.
hugs Qamaits and wiggles toes
Don’t be disturbing. We can be friends.
Moira is recruiting the Earthen.
…and Talanji is surrounded by foreign structures, maybe the trolls will be recruiting something else to their empire?
Don’t worry, we’ll be able to give you a haircut here since Orgrimmar obviously turned you away.
I would like to be a blood troll.
wiggles toes
Proceeds to sharpen Strom’kar
Another day, another troll to put down.
Who wants to tell them the walls they’re trying to tear down are Dazar’alor’s?
You do realise that telling them you’re going to attack them is a bad idea and will make them prepared for your attack, right?
I guess this is why the trolls were never able to beat Silvermoon or Stromguarde.
sets up a barbeque at the gate
I don’t think it’s worked out great for the trolls in the past.
You’re not wrong.
The trolls are rising huh? So they are finally gonna stop hunching over and stand up straight? good on them!
Are Tauren invited too?
Wait, wait…
You guys want another @$$-whuppin’???
I actually had this thought about global news IRL… why would you publicize a shift in tactics? Do folks not realize anybody can check the global news via internet or TV?
Ship the bodies of this obvious-to-fail invasion off to Westfall, have the threshers grind em up, and mix into the soil. Wheat harvest will be great.
Stormwind is no longer weak like it used to be.
Its part of an Alliance now. See back in the day when orcs invaded Stormwind was a single nation, now its gone full Nato if anyone attacks Stormwind all the other nations will attack.
Look what happened when Sylvanus attacked Teldrassil, the Undercity would have fallen to the Alliance if Sylvanas had slightly more honor in those days
Eh, I’d rather we reclaimed Zul’Farrak for da Sand Trolls as a peace offerin’ and offer dem membership into da Horde.
Den maybe after dat find myself a nice Night Elf Woman ta settle down wit, preferable one of dem Fire Druid ones, dey kinda fiery. Pun unintended believe it or not mon.