Ya listen ‘ere, mon. Me an’ me bruddas, we be marchin’ to da gates of Stormwind. Ya shiny-armored humans ain’t ready for da fury of da Troll tribes. We be bringin’ da wrath of da Loa, an’ ya kingdom gonna feel da might of our axes.
Ya walls? Dey gonna crumble 'neath our feet.
Ya hear da drums of war, mon? Dat be da sound of ya doom approachin’. Stormwind gonna fall to da shadow of da Troll empire, an’ dere ain’t nothin’ ya can do 'bout it. Dis be our time, mon.
Da Trolls be risin’!
Stay away from the voodoo mon.
Just trolls?
The trolls tried that two decades before the First War, and they got destroyed completely.
I be walking in stormwind mon’.
wiggles toes
Is this a wpvp event and invitation? If so, let us know as I’d be there.
Not as a troll though. As a BE DK most likely.
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Works for me. Good luck with that.
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sits by the stormwind cheese vendor and wiggles toes
To fine cheese!
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Finally, the rise of the trolls is upon us.
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Counterpoint: We should march on Ironforge as it’s one of the only Capital Cities to not have faced a horrible disaster. Then we rush through the Deeprun Tram. A second army can come up from Stranglethorn.
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There’s a strict must wear shoes policy to enter Stormwind.
shakes head no
Then you can’t come in. Sorry.
+1 for the convincing Trollspeak.
-1 for, you know, attacking Stormwind.
For the Alliance! 

The trolls will be the humans next victims of our potential. Lol
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you know the cheese guy is an si:7 spy right?
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