Healthiest ret changes

JV bonus damage to stun needs to be removed and other stuff toned down a bit. Period.

Just want to remind people that Evokers Fire Breath are one shotting people and hitting waaay harder than that. The Hunt hits harder than that. Glacial Spikes hit harder than that. Fists of Fury hits just as hard. Mortal Strike hits just as hard. Chaos Bolt hit just as hard etc.

Yea the damage is broken, but why everyone is so upset about Ret when the others are hitting just as much or more? That’s the question.


Nah, delete paladins.


Had to edit post cause a mouth breathing ret paladin thought I was serious…

Good changes Remi!


I haven’t seen a mortal strike hit for almost 200k ever since it was nerfed so idk what u talkin ab chief

Well it’s good that no one really cares about what you think.

From 10.0.5, until 10.0.7, oh wow Cupid, that’s amazing one variation of all the class combinations. Doesn’t mean much for SS though, which is what I enjoy as I don’t have to commit any time to finding a partner, just queue and go, is it easier, somewhat, but it’s also harder in the same way, lack of communication.

Nothing “insane” about it, it did burst damage and was playable for 10s every 1-2m, the rest of the time you are doing nothing but praying you don’t have to bubble while fighting for your life.

10.0.5 to 10.0.7 was 2 months, so Ret got to be garbage for 2 months, so fun.

DH does better intentional cleave, Ret has lots of Judgments flying all over that don’t really do much, no one is going to die from them, they just pad the meters.

True, Ret definitely hits harder when it connects, but DH has virtually 100% uptime.

So everyone just preemptively uses defensives before you lasso them? So does that make you bad then because you still lasso’d them while they were using DRs? Cmon dude, no one is reading minds, you can be stunned anytime its ready and you can’t predict 100% when it’s going to happen. Sure it’s pretty easy to see the Ret Paladin running up on you to possibly HoJ but that split second before a Storm Bolt hits you or Lasso stuns you, good luck.

Honestly you deserve to lose to every Ret that encounters you.

Have you ever even played Ret as seriously as your Shaman? I think you’d have a much better grasp on the difficulties it’s had for a long time and wouldn’t be making these stupid posts if you had.

I care.

Having one r1 viable comp is really all a spec can ask for tbh. Also rets were capable of 2.4+ in the shuffle this entire time.

Ret was pretty insane for the same reason it is now, lots of different dmg going off in the same global.


Not going to quote anymore of this garbage post.


This just isn’t true

Ms can’t hit for 200k
Glacial can’t hit for 200k anymore
Chaos bolt Max’s out at like 105k
Fist of fury? Huh?

Again, as the OP stated, it’s the multiple instances of dmg going off at the same time with the bonus storm + arbiter proc when it’s all lined up. It’s those multiple instances of dmg happening at once that is so powerful, unfun to play against, and needs tuning

I’ve seen JV hitting 200k that could use some tuning too for sure

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With as much damage as they do I think wings needs to be a 2 min cd again not 1. The other changes seem legit though multiple things procing for damage off one ability is dumb.

They need to take fading light out of the game.

The screenshot provided in this OP is JV hitting 120k. We do see 110k in Mortal Strikes sometimes. No idea where u got the 200k from.

That’s just flat something that isn’t going to happen tbh

Please link some death logs of these abilities doing 300k+ damage in 0.4 seconds.

I have legitimately seen at least 10 screenshots of death logs from ret pals like this get posted in the last day across forums, Reddit, and discord.

If it’s as common as you think for the other classes to put out this much damage you should be able to find a few pretty quickly.

Assume probably isn’t the right word here.


The screen shot had more then 110k dmg comming from the ret in one gcd, that’s what is being discussed.

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What about their survivability? They literally can’t die. Tankiest class in DF right now by far.

Good, they have to be tanky because Blizz won’t let go of their class fantasy idea… Most rets would rather be not as tanky but have their mobility back…If you’re going to crawl around the place you have to have some tankyness

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LOL “people are playing it so nerf it”

You completely avoided the fact it IS nerfed and is being taken because the other choice (Execution Sentence) is easily avoidable by competent players.

Look, I agree with the changes to Arbiter, JV, and JoV (nobody likes this anyway), and the Inquisitors Ire/EL interaction, but you’re calling for nerfs to FR just because you don’t like people running it. Try to be constructive and put down your pitchfork.


Yeah I agree, I don’t think FR is the issue… It is definitely DA,EL, Inquisitors, and JV/VoJ that need to be looked at.

AWC players are getting 1 shot. Is there a tier more competent than them I am missing?


Nah, their survivability needs to get looked at too. They literally. can’t die.

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